Commander-In-Cheat – IOTW Report


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I saw this late last night and I didn’t post it because I looked at other pictures from the event and didn’t see anything in her ear.

I’ll post just so everyone can weigh in with their thoughts:


The internet is all abuzz today with speculation that candidate Clinton was wearing a flesh colored “pearl” earpiece last night in order to receive help during the Commander-in-Chief forum last night. The device in question is said to be very high-end and only issued to law enforcement or security personnel tasked with guarding the most important VIPs.





29 Comments on Commander-In-Cheat

  1. Sounds like we might need a radio frequency interference generator at the debates and/or have someone follow her around at her speaking engagements with one. Cheaters gonna cheat. I’d look for crib sheets, too.

  2. I’m sorry, but at this point nothing about this gold plated, rug munching bitch surprises me, or is not expected. I’m surprised though that she hasn’t accused Trump of doing this–after all, the clintoons are notorious for accusing the rest of the world for doing the exact thing they’re doing and acting pure as the driven snow.

  3. That was my thought exactly. This skank is way in over her ugly head. She tries to one-up technology for her cheating, lying, obfuscation, stealing, and even killing (trail of dead bodies from her hit lists), but she will be and has been caught, over and over. She needs to take the money the idiots have given her for access to shit, and run for another country to hide away the rest of her miserable life. Maybe Interpol will find just cause to run her down and take her. Maybe the Russians will grow tired of her blaming them for her stupidity and send the squads.

  4. Her blatant dishonesty and sociopathic behavior naturally cause everyone to suspect the worse case with her. Even her own team. I haven’t seen them deny it but they probably just don’t want any attention on that forum. An earpiece is a lot less harmful then her getting her ass kicked and adding new lies to the mix.

  5. When she is covered in feces from head to her cankles already, it is harmful, Anon. Another nail in her political career coffin, so just keep hammering! When this bitch and her diseased spouse, SickSlick, are swept away for good, then can America rest easier.

  6. “Uhh… pretty much no one goes on air without an IFB. That’s standard practice.”

    Not in a debate, it isn’t. At least, not in a debate in the US of A.
    She’s a cheater- no surprise there.

  7. O/T – can someone tell me how to get my avatar back? I recently changed browsers (to Chrome) and ever since, I have to type in my name and email address each time I post, and the avatar doesn’t come up.

  8. This story didn’t come out at the time I was listening to her, but I did think that her very slow, very measured answer about her emails was stated as though reading it from a teleprompter. Also, did anyone else notice that Lauer met her at the step up to the stage, shook her hand and pulled her up onto the stage with him? That was pretty blatant.

  9. If this is acceptable in a debate, she might as well skip the event and just have her team of lawyers phone it in. Might save her the embarrassment of another extended coughing fit or “short-circuit” brain freeze in public.

  10. Maggots, I’m telling you, maggots are jumping ship. Even they can’t stand her. Besides, there isn’t enough cranial material left for them to feast upon. Maggots would also explain the coughing/choking.

  11. Find the frequency and hit it with 120db of extreme feedback so she has to rip it out of her ear on camera for everyone to see. And Trump stands next to her grinning and says something about cheaters.

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