Clinton campaign warns media to tread carefully – IOTW Report

Clinton campaign warns media to tread carefully

TheHill: Hillary Clinton’s campaign is working the refs hard when it comes to reports about her health.

While Clinton responded to a fit of coughing this week with humor, saying she was “allergic” to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, her aides and surrogates played the role of bad cop.

Campaign spokesman Nick Merrill took to task an NBC reporter who wrote about the coughing spell, posting on Twitter that the writer should “get a life.”

The five-paragraph story, by Andrew Rafferty, was titled “Hillary Clinton fights back coughing attack” and reported that the “frog in Clinton’s throat on Monday was one of the most aggressive she’s had during her 2016 run.”

Jon Favreau, a former speechwriter for President Obama, asked via Twitter if “anyone on NBC, or anywhere else,” was willing to defend the piece.

The pushback signaled that Clinton’s campaign intends to sharply counterattack news organizations that take questions about her health seriously.

“They’re trying to work the refs a little bit as they try to push back on the mainstream media’s willingness to pick up on some of this stuff that’s usually left to the fringes,” Clinton surrogate Jim Manley explained.

The Drudge Report and other conservative media sites have largely driven the coverage of Clinton’s health, following the concussion she suffered in late 2012 and years before she announced her intention to run again for president.

But Manley said the Democrat’s camp has seen the coverage “bleeding to the mainstream media” in recent weeks.   MORE

35 Comments on Clinton campaign warns media to tread carefully

  1. “Whatever her issue is it has to be relevant and significant for them to employ so much effort to shut everyone up about it.”

    That probably won’t work with DJT. Especially during the debates.
    I’m positive there will be plenty of medical staff just off stage.

  2. In Germany during the last world war, speaking ill of the Fuhrer would get you shot in the head until you stopped twitching. We are closely approaching that threshold. What Freedom of Speech? Her Thighness has revoked any freedom of speech. Maybe it is time to corner these mouthpieces of Cankles and beat them until “they stop twitching”. A crowbar, a tire iron, a bat. The old equalizer. Pussies on the Left would shriek like girly men and faint. The dyke Lesbos are fighting already, so bring it.

  3. If she falls over into a heap on the floor and flops around like a fish during the middle of one of the debates, they still wouldn’t admit anything was wrong. They lie for a living.

  4. The media have been quite attentive to their marching orders and talking points, even when they were roped off from Hillary.

    No press conferences for 272 days, not a peep.

    Reporters and talking heads will comply or face the wrath of network owners and big money donors.

  5. “Campaign spokesman Nick Merrill took to task an NBC reporter who wrote about the coughing spell, posting on Twitter that the writer should ‘get a life.'”

    Is that a Clintonese way of saying, “Nice life you have there. I’d hate to see you lose it?”

  6. She looks ghastly
    I hope she has reasonably decent health until Trump defeats her.
    I do not want Barky putting his moley nose into this election.
    If she wins and croaks, Bill will try to step in for her citing Mrs. Wilson taking over for Woodrow during his stroke.
    Personally, I hope she vapor locks during her concession speech, and explodes dousing the crowd with Loser Juice

  7. I stated on IOWReport a few weeks back that we are seeing the stern lofted in the sea as the bow starts going down like the Titanic. Someone challenged that, but I maintain this is true. She, her campaign, her “husband”, and the whole lot of Arkansas crooks in the Clintoon Cartel are sinking. I wager even the horse-mouthed daughter of Cankles (Chelsea the Nag) is getting nervous about seeing her own legacy dissolving as her partners (mommy and dad?) in the Crime Family Clinton go down with their ship. Good Riddance! How fast do you think the lot of them, including Loretta and Comey, will book flights out of the country when Trump wins? It will be like the Nazis who could escape headed for South America as the Allies closed in on Berlin.

  8. Tell Americans they can’t do something and see what happens.

    Half-dead Hillary can’t hide her health, it’s apparent on her face, in her voice and in everything she does and DOESN’T do.

    And being a snotty asshole won’t help her.

  9. I was studying one of the pictures (somewhere?) taken last night at the town hall. I don’t know what it indicates, but I noticed that her eye sockets were darkly outlined all the way across her eyebrow and around each eye, like glasses. I imagine she was heavily made up, still, it didn’t cover over those peculiar lines.

  10. Reminents of last week’s seasonal alergy/cold or whatever I had last week appeared in the grocery store today. I’d just spent an hour and a half being water boarded by the hygienist getting more periodontal work done.

    For some reason as soon as I touched an ear of moldy sweet corn, I had to cough. I put my other arm up and coughed into my short sleave shirt, about 3 times.

    I put down the ear of corn in my other hand and walked away, totally embarrassed. Didn’t cough again the whole visit, no water or anything.

    If Hellery is coughing next week, she is totally sick.

  11. Great- now, not so muted threats for reporting objective observations. She is the enemy of free speech.
    But, OK, I think I understand.
    I think she has osome major neurological and vascular problems, and psychosocially speaking, she is frightening.
    “If we’re treading on thin ice, we might as well dance”. Jesse Winchester
    I ain’t gonna stop until Mr Trump is Mr President.

  12. After her lame impression of Rodney Dangerfield – “Every time I think of Trump I get allergic” Hellary’s still not worthy of any respect.
    The Clinton media cadre can’t possibly catch all the overflow of corupt crap oozing from the Hildebeast and her associates.

  13. Instead of complaining about the media reports, why don’t they just have Hillary come out and walk a parade, climb some stairs, hand over the medical report? It is not the media’s fault they have questions. It is Hillary’s fault that she doesn’t just come out and quell the speculation. She’s dishonestly hiding yet one more thing during the campaign. And blaming the media for asking the obvious questions.

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