Hillary Says “Make America Great Again” Slogan is a Dog Whistle – It Was the Same Slogan Used By Her Husband – IOTW Report

Hillary Says “Make America Great Again” Slogan is a Dog Whistle – It Was the Same Slogan Used By Her Husband

13 Comments on Hillary Says “Make America Great Again” Slogan is a Dog Whistle – It Was the Same Slogan Used By Her Husband

  1. Considering the state of race relations today, I’d say nobody can take America backwards like the lying, thoroughly corrupt, inept, incompetent, vactioning, golfing, partying, spending, vindictive, self-absorbed, disingenuous, Politically Correct, Gay obsessed, whining, finger-pointing, divisive, Bush-blaming, healthcare-destroying, economy-wrecking, America-hating, Black Panther-loving, racist, Jihad-coddling, phoney-baloney plastic banana POS living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

  2. Funny, she can’t recall anything when interviewed by the FBI about her illegal e-mail debacle or the media or the family members whose son’s were killed in Benghazi.
    But she swears “Making America Great” again was Bill’s slogan.
    In 1992 Bill’s slogan was, “We need a change.”
    In 1996 Bill’s slogan was, “Building a Bridge to the 21st Century.”

    So Hillary is lying….again.
    She has a doctorate from MSU (Make Shit Up).

    She knows the media will parrot whatever she says, what talking points they’re provided and state it as fact.

    Hillary has No Honor, No Integrity, no Redeeming Characteristics, but still the (bought and paid for) main stream media pushes her lies and candidacy upon the US.

    Professional Journalism is Dead, propaganda is its replacement.

    Anti-American Scoundrels, each and every one.

  3. Yeah, if I wanted to “Make America Great Again”, I’d go backwards too. TO before 2008. As bad as it may have been, the country was much better off before O’Bozo “fundamentally changed” (emphasis on the MENTAL) the country.

  4. FUCKIN COMMIE POS juan williams Was on Outnumbered this morning when they brought it to his attention. He proclaimed it was taken out of context in slick willie case. That little commie fuck is going to suffer a major back injury from carrying so much water for the clintons!

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