Droves of African Migrants in Mexico Awaiting U.S. Asylum Under Secret Pact – IOTW Report

Droves of African Migrants in Mexico Awaiting U.S. Asylum Under Secret Pact

Judicial Watch-

Herds of African immigrants are being housed in shelters in the Mexican border town of Tijuana while they await entry into the United States under what appears to be a secret accord between the Obama administration, Mexico and the Central American countries the Africans transited on their journey north. A backlog of African migrants is overwhelming limited shelter space in Tijuana and Mexican officials blame the slow pace of U.S. immigration authorities in the San Isidro port of entry for granting only 50 asylum solicitations daily.

Details about this disturbing program come from Mexico’s immigration agency, Instituto Nacional de Migracion (INM), and appear this week in an articlepublished by the country’s largest newspaper. “Mexico is living through a wave of undocumented Africans, due to a humanitarian crisis on that continent, that has saturated shelters in Tapachula, Chiapas, and generated pressure on shelters in Tijuana, Baja California,” the news article states. The African migrants’ journey begins in Brazil under a South American policy that allows the “free transit” of immigrants throughout the continent. Ecuador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama facilitate the process by transferring the concentration of foreigners towards Mexico based on an agreement that Mexico will help them gain entry into the U.S. so they can solicit asylum.


The Africans are mostly entering Mexico through the southern state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala. This week alone 424 Africans arrived at the Chiapas immigration station, which is situated in Tapachula. Shelters in Tijuana currently have 154 migrants from African countries waiting on their U.S. asylum solicitations, according to figures provided by the INM. “The undocumented don’t want to stay in Mexico,” the news article clarifies. “They want to make it to U.S. territory to solicit asylum based on the life conditions that prevail in the continent.” Authorities in Tijuana are offering support to migrants from El Congo, Somalia, Ghana and Pakistan to facilitate entering the U.S. through the San Isidro crossing, according to the news story. San Isidro is the largest land border crossing between San Diego, California and Tijuana.


ht/ Billy Fuster

22 Comments on Droves of African Migrants in Mexico Awaiting U.S. Asylum Under Secret Pact

  1. Great, a whole new set of diseases and jihadi fighters to assist Obama toward his fundamental transformation.

    Where in the hell is congress? Oh yeah, they’re home running for reelection leaving the country’s business to Obama, his socialist administration and his “secret” plans.

  2. The Government tries to settle them in my area of Arizona, and there will be a lot of dead coons laying around. At least then they will be useful…they will be feeding the local wild animals.

  3. Fine
    Haven’t had Leprosy, Witch murders, Voodoo, and Albino killings in America yet, apparently we need that shit.
    On another note, Mrs. Lazlo bought Lazlo a Mosin Nagant for his birthday
    Going to the range soon for some long distance (500 yards and up) iron sight practice.
    Send them to me in AZ and

  4. Prohibit ALL Musloids. Christians only, and they must have sponsors. For every Christian allowed in, deport 1,000 inbred, diseased, gummit dependent, illiterate, unskilled, low IQ, unmotivated, satan loving musloids. Michigan and Minnesota would be solvent in a month.

  5. This is like Paying for a first class airline ticket (US Tax rate) and the airline finds the stinkiest mouthbreathers (refugees and third world peasants) to seat next to you, because diversity.

  6. If they are coming from Brazil and thru all of the other countries mentioned, why aren’t a couple of hundred dropping off in each country. What in hell are they coming here for? This immigration bulls#it has to stop, we are already over populated. Does everyone think that space here has no limit? This crazy stuff is just plain stupid. STOP, that’s it, no more. The hell with them, go somewhere else. They have nothing to offer and we can’t afford them and the Obama’s golf vacations for him and the rest of his family’s European shopping sprees. Were already bankrupt, STOP,STOP,STOP.

  7. How and when did they cross the Atlantic, how did they manage to travel all the way up from South America, why did they not come directly, who is paying for their cell phone coverage, and how are they charging those phones if they weren’t bought locally?

    And WTF is this BS about a secret deal to let them in? Shit’s getting real.

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