Wapo Hack, Chris Cillizza, Just Wrote 2 Days Ago That It Was Time To Stop Speculating About Hillary’s Health – He’s Changed His Tune – IOTW Report

Wapo Hack, Chris Cillizza, Just Wrote 2 Days Ago That It Was Time To Stop Speculating About Hillary’s Health – He’s Changed His Tune

So, it just got real.

Hillary Clinton falling ill Sunday morning at a memorial service on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks will catapult questions about her health from the ranks of conservative conspiracy theory to perhaps the central debate in the presidential race over the coming days. . .

Clinton may well be totally fine — and I certainly hope she is. But we are 58 days away from choosing the person who will lead the country for the next four years, and she is one of the two candidates with a real chance of winning. Taking the Clinton team’s word for it on her health — in light of the episode on Sunday morning — is no  longer enough. Reasonable people can — and will —  have real questions about her health.


You mean we won’t be deplorable for pointing out what was obvious to everyone but a hack with blinders on?

15 Comments on Wapo Hack, Chris Cillizza, Just Wrote 2 Days Ago That It Was Time To Stop Speculating About Hillary’s Health – He’s Changed His Tune

  1. Eff you, Cillizza. The only issue you have with her health is how to hide her decomposition more effectively,and how to increase media coordination with Nick Merrill. Just know that whatever cockamamie bullshit plan you work out with Podesta is doomed to ridicule and failure. Bye bye, miss American Lie.

  2. BTW I have saying for over a year that her health would be the reason – or excuse – for her not getting elected. And a WaPo columnist brought it up as a 2016 issue 4 years ago – of course the same guy recently said that it isn’t an issue now.

  3. Weekend at Bernie’s??? Prop up the corpse while the progtards will try to kiss the Bernie big crusty fungal toe and get him back, or go with BlowMe Biden, lovingly still called “Plugs” by his closest “this is a big fucking deal” admirers.

  4. NOW the Cankles Camp says she was diagnosed with pneumonia Friday, and she is resting quietly. How very convenient. The trouble with these pyschotic liars is they should have divulged that Friday, rather then play hide the salami with Americans. They never ever learn. i don’t buy this excuse at all. Wouldn’t a person with pneumonia have coughed their lungs up by now, non-stop? I did not hear anyone say she was coughing for the short visit there at the 9/11 memorial site. I say bogus and bullshit.

  5. The SS will be dragging her stinking, reeking, maggot infested corpse around and the media will still be proclaiming her good health. Leftists and NTers will gladly vote for her putrefied corpse.

  6. TO HippieCritic

    I can well imagine…BUT: the CONSEQUENCE of that is political suicide!

    Trump gets to use that to say, “if she doesn’t have the wherewithal/energy to debate, she ain’t fit for that 3am phone call, much less tense negotioations with hostile world leaders.”

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