Guard Llama – IOTW Report

Guard Llama

My sister wants one of these to guard her chickens.

16 Comments on Guard Llama

  1. @Uncle Al and Boyd, she has been researching this and talking to llama owners. There is a llama ranch near her that raises and trains them and she has gone there for exposure to them. I don’t know if she is seriously considering this, but I’ll let her know of your concerns.

  2. A woman in New Jersey was on television a few years ago whining that a black bear killed her llama. She lives in bear country and the guard llama lost. Should have put it in the barn at night.

  3. My sister had chickens for several years on a 5 acre plot north of Dallas.

    Donkeys are excellent protectors. Pablo kept the coyotes away. No question about it. Not a single chicken lost in the 12 years she had them.

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