Trump Hits Hillary Hard For Her ‘Deplorable’ Comment – IOTW Report

Trump Hits Hillary Hard For Her ‘Deplorable’ Comment

15 Comments on Trump Hits Hillary Hard For Her ‘Deplorable’ Comment

  1. This is a powerful ad.

    This is why I don’t want anything to happen to her before the election. She needs to be aware enough after the election to watch her evil empire deflate before her eyes.

    Then after Trump becomes president, he can start the wheel of justice grinding. Bring her, Obama and all their handlers and those complicit in the attempted destruction of America to justice. Real justice.

  2. “basket of deplorable’s” I am, am I?

    a basket of deplorable’s.

    huh, sounds almost like “binders full of women”.

    is the fema camp where all the deplorable’s in hillary’s basket will end up?
    sounds like she’s going to lock up her opposition or something.
    very scary….

  3. TO Claudia

    While I know what you mean about having The First Corpse hang around awhile longer, it really doesn’t matter.

    The Options (*they* LOSE regardless):

    1) Hillary stays In – her illnesses persuade more and more to abandon her

    2) Hillary Out, Sanders In – American independents and moderates will have *nothing* to do with an avowed socialist

    3) Hillary Out, Biden In – A) Can’t get any closer LITERALLY to Obama’s Third Term than with his VP. B) Crazy Joe is not “crazy” to just us on the Right, especially after Trump’s campaign releases soundbite after soundbite. C) You can write off 100% of Bernie Sanders’ supporters in a nanosecond.

    4) Hillary Out, any other “surprise* Dem In – variation on #3 above…minus the name recognition.

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