Lying Liars That Lie Like Lying Liars – IOTW Report

Lying Liars That Lie Like Lying Liars

The Clintons and their entire machine make me ill. They are just natural born pathological liars.

Here’s the arc on IllaryGate –

She has seasonal allergies.

She got overheated.

She has pneumonia.

It’s not contagious.

And now this —

The Hill-

Members of Hillary Clinton‘s staff had pneumonia before the candidate came down with it, according to a report.

At least half a dozen senior staff members in Clinton’s Brooklyn headquarters battled the illness before the Democratic presidential nominee was diagnosed with the illness on Sunday, People reported Monday.

“Everyone’s been sick,” a campaign source told the publication.

The source said pneumonia cases began popping up among Clinton’s staff in late August, two weeks before the former first lady’s diagnosis. Among those affected were campaign aides who travel closely with Clinton.

Campaign manager Robby Mook was among those who were sick. Two of Clinton’s top advisers received emergency medical treatment during their illness.

One top adviser was receiving antibiotics for a respiratory infection days before Clinton’s own diagnosis for pneumonia.

Another staffer was taken by ambulance to the emergency room, People’s source added, after collapsing from what was discovered to be severe dehydration.



18 Comments on Lying Liars That Lie Like Lying Liars

  1. So they take the lowly staff members to the ER but not her royal highness. She goes to her daughter’s apartment. The elderly woman with health issues. They don’t even lie well.

  2. No one, especially these elitists, gets “emergency medical treatment” for pneumonia. Maybe some homeless guy shaking a cup of change in a liberal hell hole on a 0 degree day might get emergency medical treatment if not found dead first. Besides, what are these people consuming? It’s really not that difficult to get healthy balance of food to prevent such an ailment in the first place. Even a deplorable peasant like myself can go 16 years without so much as a common cold, even when the kids bring all the germs home from school.

  3. Currently, two of the biggest problems facing the Clinton campaign are (1) Hillary is a liar, and (2) Hillary is very ill. The Democrats have now managed to combine these issues into “Hillary is deathly ill and lying about it.”

    Personally, I love it because it simplifies matters and provides the American public with a simple meme.

  4. As Chrysalis grows near, the exterior layer becomes less and less necessary.
    Soon it will slough off and the shell of the Pupae will be visible.
    She is not vulnerable in the case, she is as safe as if on her home planet.
    The time to strike is before she sheds her outer layer. Once she has ‘changed’ only a rail gun will be able to pierce the carapace.

  5. People with Pneumonia don’t walk out the front door and wave to the crowd, assuring one and all that everything is just fine. Nor do they hug a little girl on the sidewalk just to prove they are fit. Just how stupid does team clinton think we are?

  6. I’ve had pneumonia. She doesn’t. You don’t keep walking around looking normal when you have a 103 degree temperature, chills, feel like someone beat the hell out of you and a single cough puts you on your knees. Her and her staff are a bunch of liars.

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