Tony Yapias, prominent Latino community activist, charged with rape – IOTW Report

Tony Yapias, prominent Latino community activist, charged with rape

They’re sending us their rapists.

KSL –— Tony Yapias, a prominent Utah Latino community activist, was charged Monday with rape.

In addition to the first-degree felony, Yapias is charged in 3rd District Court with tampering with evidence, a class A misdemeanor.

Yapias is the director of Proyecto Latino de Utah, an advocacy organization for Latinos in Utah.

Charges allege that the rape occurred on March 21 in South Salt Lake. The victim had ended her romantic involvement with Yapias earlier that month, court documents say.

The woman reported the alleged rape to police and others that same day, court documents say. The woman sent Yapias text messages in April confronting him about the incident, according to charging documents, at which point he responded, “at the end you accepted didn’t you?”

Yapias also allegedly deleted texts leading up to the March 21 encounter with the woman.

“Unfortunately for (Yapias), the text messages he deleted were retrieved by a forensic investigator,” charges state.

Yapias was arrested Monday and booked into the Salt Lake County Jail on $250,000 bail.

More information will be added to this story.

ht/ Billy Fuster

9 Comments on Tony Yapias, prominent Latino community activist, charged with rape

  1. He bravely risked the potential consequences he might face in order to show all of us irredeemable Americans who belong in Illary’s “basket of deplorable” the genuine tragedy of the current “rape culture” we foster that has been so courageously exposed by the SJWs.

    I’m sure he truly had no intent of actually “rape”-raping the woman and was only providing an example to enlighten us bigoted reprobates that plan on voting for Trump, so no harm, no foul according to the new dem plantation rules. Just let poor, oppressed Tony Yapias non apologize to the prejudiced accuser and get on with his good works at the Proyecto Latino de Utah (an organization which clearly is not racist in nature despite it’s descriptive monacre). We must stop this hideous “latinophobia” for which he so gallantly sacrificed himself for as an exaple in order to expose it for our own good.

    Poor Tony …… it really is tough being an oppressed criminal invader these days.

  2. Salt Lake County is a democrat enclave where the minorities have their own areas. The Mexicans have their own part, the Tongans their own (their gangs are notorious), and the newest is being populated by muslims thanks to “catholic” and “lutheran” social services that are funded by the government. The mormon church has also joined the “diversity” bandwagon by helping the muzzies.

  3. How come these assholes continue to advocate for separate , and mostly illegal, sub groups instead of Americans! Question: are African Americans, Latino Americans, Asien Americans, etc., American or are they simply transplanted and despicable Africans, Latinos, and Asians, still loyal to their former homelands and enemies of our homeland??

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