Katie Couric Being Sued For 12 Mil For Deceptive and Libelous Editing in Anti-Gun Doc – IOTW Report

Katie Couric Being Sued For 12 Mil For Deceptive and Libelous Editing in Anti-Gun Doc

The editing made a group of people in a room look like a bunch of clueless loons when, in fact, they did answer a question, quickly, forthrightly and righteously.

Couric will pay.

ht: refuse/resist

19 Comments on Katie Couric Being Sued For 12 Mil For Deceptive and Libelous Editing in Anti-Gun Doc

  1. YES!!! About time. Make the lying bitch pay.

    Maybe we an do something about the Libertarian V.P. candidate who said this:

    “The five-shot rifle, that’s a standard military rifle; the problem is if you attach a clip to it so it can fire more shells and if you remove the pin so that it becomes an automatic weapon, and those are independent criminal offenses,” Weld said. “That is when they become, essentially a weapon of mass destruction. The problem with handguns probably is even worse than the problem of the AR15.”

  2. Now that is good news. And well she should be sued. We all saw the video. Also George Zimmerman should file suit for the way the MSM edited his 911 call to make him look racist. Maybe he has.

  3. OK, now, don’t go and get my hopes all up about Conservatives actually pushing back and stomping the shit out of liberals. I am old, tired of Democrats, sick of illegals, hateful of muslims and completely burned out on Political Correctness.
    My biggest wish is for the socialistic assholes in America to be decimated to the point of no return.

  4. “The plaintiffs seek not less than $12 million in compensatory damages, $350,000 each in punitive damages, attorneys fees and costs, and an injunction against “disseminating, distributing, or publishing” any version of the film containing the plaintiffs.”

    If nothing else, the plaintiffs need to make the defendant make a verbal and a signed apology, explaining that they intended to commit this action. In other words, get a confession from Couric and Yahoo and make them ADMIT FAULT! It is time to screw them to the wall using their own tactics!

  5. “Can I get int on a class-action law suit against her.” – Tony R

    Class action? Only if pocket change makes everything OK.

    I’ve never agreed to be a part of one for that reason alone. If my truck was so dangerous I should be compensated in a class action suit against the manufacturer – how the hell does $37.00 make it OK?

    Feels like it lets them off the hook for a bucket of chicken to go – in my still dangerous truck.

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