Whoever Tagged This as a Jeb Bush Video, My Hat’s Off To You – IOTW Report

Whoever Tagged This as a Jeb Bush Video, My Hat’s Off To You

This is right up there with Joe Biden singing The Villages. (Although, I’m not fully convinced that this isn’t Biden.)

The guy fighting the girl in this video cooperates by not looking up and showing his face, keeping the illusion that this is Jeb alive.

Then he fights her with such low energy, just the way Jeb would. The punching is out of character, until he says, “but she’s biting me.”  It’s said in such a non-urgent way, the punching just becomes the way a robot would respond in the situation after all due evaluation of the situation.

“Well, I’m hitting you because this is the proper response.”

This is hilarious.

HT/ Bad Brad

23 Comments on Whoever Tagged This as a Jeb Bush Video, My Hat’s Off To You

  1. 1. That was a girl?

    2. Well, I don’t have a second question. Obama’s societal upheaval and his wish to declare martial law and become dictator for life appears to be right on schedule.

  2. I don’t know what this as all about. Three guys sitting an a little shit, and one punching like a pussy. But.
    I was at a funeral last week for an old cop who died. We were all old at the funeral. But one friend said to an old buddy, “Listen you prick, if you don’t come to my wake, I fucken well won’t go to yours.” That’s the way cops are . Lots of people don’t understand that type of “ugly” humor.

  3. ” Lots of people don’t understand that type of “ugly” humor.”
    Ya got nuttin on construction workers… and WE dont’ get a paid vacation for killing people for absolutely no reason.

  4. By the way the easiest way to restrain an asshole is NOT on their back where the can continually try and fight you. Face down, crank both hands up to the base of their skull and hang onto their thumbs. They won’t be going any where.

  5. Tommy, been in the trades my entire life. The difference is a cops got to be as professional as possible until he’s fighting for his life. That’s a tough line to walk. I don’t think I could do it. Maybe swat. A beat cops got to be the toughest.

  6. I’ll get hell for this I’m sure. Would this have been different if he was really wailing on her?
    The law says you can only use enough force to stop an attack and you must stop when the threat is over.
    Maybe he’s a puss or maybe he was smart enough to avoid jail and a lawsuit he couldn’t win.

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