$117 million gone: Oprah loses more than weight – IOTW Report

$117 million gone: Oprah loses more than weight

USA today: Oprah Winfrey’s halo effect on Weight Watchers(WTW) is disappearing fast.

The media mogul and 10% owner of Weight Watchers has seen $117 million in wealth vanish as shares of the company have crashed 66% from their high notched November 2015 on enthusiasm over her involvement with the company. Shares of Weight Watchers are down another 68 cents, or 6.6%, to $9.68 Tuesday after the company said it is replacing its CEO. The value of the company has dropped $1.2 billion in value since the peak hit after Winfrey came on board.


Reality is setting now as things haven’t worked out as many investors hoped after Winfrey formed close professional ties with the company in October 2015. The stock is still above the $6.79 a share it traded for before Winfrey took her stake and became the third largest investor. But the level of enthusiasm is proving in hindsight to have been overdone.  more

22 Comments on $117 million gone: Oprah loses more than weight

  1. What do they expect after socialists rape the economy and no one has money left except for absolute necessities? Also, orca has jumped the shark with all her racism BS. Nobody GAF about her any more. She dug her own grave.

  2. If Orca was supposed to be the model and star for WW, they picked bad optics…Like Cankles for a steadfast hand guiding the Ship of State when she can’t make it to the car without croaking. Orca’s weight varies more than SlickWillie’s ego when he gets excited, up. down. down for the count. Like Barky Hussein’s patriotism..all for the Muslim brotherhood, none for the USA.

  3. $117 mill?
    Did she eat it again?
    I look forward to the day she get awarded a new car and has to sell it in order to pay the taxes she cannot afford.
    She got a tax write off, the “winners” got a tax liability, such a Progressive deal.

  4. @MJA dead on right. Of course it has nothing to do with orca’s non-racist love for fried chicken dripping in grease, smashed taters floating in hogbelly gravy, homemade biscuits with extra Crisco shortenin, sweet tater pie with Barky Hussein cream on top, and watermellons by the truck load. She won’t put that in Weight Watchers menus, because they be racist folk, ya know.

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