INDIA/PAKISTAN Border Closing Ceremony – Doesn’t look right – IOTW Report

INDIA/PAKISTAN Border Closing Ceremony – Doesn’t look right

31 Comments on INDIA/PAKISTAN Border Closing Ceremony – Doesn’t look right

  1. Lol, I’ve had to work with Paki and Indian engineers and management types. First thing, they suck. Terrible at their jobs and not an original thought process between the entire lot. Second thing is the more stressed and emotional they get, the gayer they act. Honestly I lost an account because I started laughing at a Paki engineering manager. Third thing. They all have really bad teefers.

  2. Military traditions and ceremonies look awfully gay or at least unnatural no matter where the troops are from. Imagine what U.S. Marines spinning, tossing, virtually juggling M1s with chromed but still very sharp bayonets looks like to somebody from, say, East Timor? Have you ever seen a Maori war dance?

  3. @ Uncle Al, yep, I’ve seen the Haka performed at a friend’s funeral.
    In the same vein, the ritual before Turkish oil wrestling plus the wrestling itself. Talk about copping a feel.

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