Bill Says Hillary Has the Flu – IOTW Report

Bill Says Hillary Has the Flu

Didn’t he get the memo where everyone was going to say she was powering through pneumonia?

I guess he was dicking a bimbo.

24 Comments on Bill Says Hillary Has the Flu

  1. Millions of people are getting sick of the Clintons.

    And they better hope that little girl outside of Chelseabeast’s apartment doesn’t die from Hillary’s “flu”.

    Bill’s marbles are crumbling and no longer roll smoothly. Hillary’s are square.

  2. is nailing it coming and going. Alex Jones has some interesting videos about the New World Order and the panic they are in with Hills. Now the Russians are mentioning that the NWO may have Trump killed to protect their money interests in the dying Clintons. If that becomes true, believe revolution will happen in America and the ones left standing won’t be Soetero, Clintons, or the MSM. Soros will be on the run hiding in his wormhole somewhere safe, until he is found. Intelligence teams from around the world will track that Nazi down and shoot him till he stops moving.

  3. Hillary is losing. The evidence is clear.

    Expect a sympathy play of some kind from Hillary or the DNC. And remember, this sympathy play doesn’t necessarily mean it’s to gain a “Hillary” win against Trump.

  4. Right now, if Obama hadn’t beaten Hillary for the Presidency, she would have pretty much hidden her Parkinson’s or whatever she has from the American public till the end of her Presidency. She would unveil it, act as a martyr and ride off into the history books as the first female President battling X blah blah and she’d be everyone’s hero.

    Instead she’s losing in more ways than one with not enough time left to recover her health or her last attempt at the White House.

  5. All week I’ve had a dark, foreboding feeling that something bad is going to happen. The last time I felt this way was on September 10, 2001. On that day, I was strolling along the Coney Island boardwalk in beautiful weather and couldn’t understand this shitty, free-floating anxiety that was engulfing me.

    They say Irish peopke are psychic. Could be. The night of JFK Jr.’s plane crash, I had a weird dream in which I was in an airplane and the in-flight movie was the Zapruder clip, playec on an endless loop. Like everyone else, I learned the doomed plane was down when I woke up in the morning. And I called Anthony Weiner’s resignation practically to the hour.

    Right now I am very, very angry at Hillary for exposing the country to the risk of crisis. It’s become extremely obvious that she is nearing the end of her natural lifet–and no, I DON’T trust that doc in Mt. Kisco; she’s on the take, too. Hillary has no business running for dog-catcher in Chappaqua, never mind the presidency. All the uncertainty over her health and life span makes America liable to many disasters, some of which I’m sure I dan’t even imagine.

    One of my themes on this website is the colossal fatigue I am feeling from being screwed over by lib politicians and their fucked-up policies. Now I have this horrible, odd feeling that I won’t even have an asshole left after the imminent reaming we’re all about to get.

  6. the msm has zero credibility left.
    they are all saying she has pneumonia, after we all saw her have seizures and convulsions.
    it’s amazing they think they can continue to deceive the public.

    they all sound like bagdad bob now.
    talk about denial.

  7. “Hillary was powering through pneumonia, while battling the flu at the same time her allergies were dehydrating and overheating her defense. Plus there is a tube in her ear from a sinus infection, that looks like an earpiece, but it is not. And Bill has been checked for STD’s and is clean as snow. Really…got a note from the doctor… REALLY.
    All this while the vast alt-right conspiracy tries to stop her from selflessly fighting for the children and minorities and social life matters and old peoples and identity and little babies and genders and the issues of the day and puppies.” They say with a straight face.

  8. @Greetings…part of the premonition you feel may be due to what happens next with the NWO, Clintons, Barky, FBI, NSA, Trump, and plotting the killing of Trump. I too am extremely uneasy. There is “murder afoot” and at this point I am unsure how seriously our side is taking the threats, existent but unspoken. This is not the time for “shoulda, coulda, woulda”. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Somewhere in the vast oligarchy of our nation’s top security orgs is a group who loves our country, knows what’s afoot, and can stop it. America as we know Her is on the ropes, and we must fight to protect and defend Her. Don’t allow that Nazi Soros turn us into pre-war Germany. Much of the battle victory is because we know about it now.

  9. You don’t have to remember, if you’re telling the truth.
    Bubba and his lesbian hag can no longer keep their lies straight because ELDERLY.

    Please America, put them out to pasture to croak there, and prosecute their henchmen/womyns to restore SOME justice.

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