LA Times Reporter Sees the Truth and It Bewilders Him – IOTW Report

LA Times Reporter Sees the Truth and It Bewilders Him


L.A. Times Stunned by Diversity of Volunteers at Trump H.Q.

The Los Angeles Times paid a visit to Donald Trump’s Southern California headquarters in Long Beach on Monday and was stunned by the diversity of volunteers who are committed to seeing him win the Golden State and the presidency.

“It was as if the whole thing had been staged, in Cambodia Town, no less, to belie the notion that Trump’s appeal is largely limited to older white males,” the Times‘s Steve Lopez wrote. In Long Beach, one of America’s most diverse cities, that same diversity was reflected in Trump’s supporters at his Southern California headquarters.

Lopez spoke with a woman and millennials of Filipino descent, a Mexican-American, and a Jewish man, and saw the “names of volunteers from the African-American, Hispanic and Asian communities” written on blackboards adorning the names of volunteers. He noted that “two middle-aged white people [also] joined the party.”

Lopez wrote that an unnamed Mexican-American Trump volunteer told him that “there are too many illegals here… and they dirty the place up and they take jobs and do things hey shouldn’t.” Lopez noted that once he found out he was with the Times, the man said “the only thing the Times is any good for is to wrap fish in it,” before walking away.


These people are deplorable.


27 Comments on LA Times Reporter Sees the Truth and It Bewilders Him

  1. I passed a mixed couple in the grocery store last night. The husband was black and wearing a Make America Great Again hat. When I went passed him I said, Yea Trump, up high. We high fived each other as we passed and both giggled like a couple school girls.

  2. I love it when a Prog leaves their safe place and discovers the world isn’t as they had been indoctrinated to believe.
    “It was as if the whole thing had been staged…”
    Well, they wouldn’t/couldn’t do that, they surely didn’t think The Slimes would show up.
    Props to him/zim/shim for at least trying to be civil.

  3. There is a thing here called the 300 mile garage sale….it’s this weekend, starting tomorrow….it goes from eastern Colorado to eastern Kansas on HWY 36…everybody pulls out their collectibles….I pulled a classic aluminum boat over to a friends place to draw a crowd and I had my BFH Trump magnetic logo (that I luckily one) on my truck and I got nuttin’ but hand waves, thumbs up and “where can I get one of those” remarks….I got 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and room to camp, If you get close, we’ll have food, drink and laughs in Hillary’s general direction….Have you ever fed apples to and camped near goats?….your welcome here….LOL…

  4. I’m not sure if the trend is as much Trump mania as Clinton hatred/distrust. She’s a self serving skank who doesn’t even play the role of grandma well.
    She’s every dude’s shrieking ex-wife the cause of American shrinkage.

    Trump’s positive can do message beats Hillary’s govt solution/intrusion message for anyone with a brain.

  5. like Slick Willie and Colon Powell said….HILLARY< they just don't like you! That is something even a mom could not love. Evil to the core, filled with bile and brimstone, needs to be extinguished. Watched the history of Hillary video today, all the charges against her with slap on the wrist fines, charges against the both of them from Arkansas forward. Whitewater, Rose Law Firm, pay to play in Arkansas, travelgate, Hillarycare, extortion of foreigners for access to Slick, payback pardons from prison, indictments for crimes committed, forward…"i have no recollection, i never saw those things, i never knew what my department was doing, did you finish destroying the emails yet???" My mouth is still agape, even though I knew these things…pays to refresh the Indictment lists reviews. You can attest again how vile, how deserving of the maximum penalties for high treason these two are.

  6. @willysgoat, sounds like great fun. Wish I could do one of those massive sales some time soon.

    A few weeks ago I posted I had not seen a Killary sign. I did see 2 bumper stickers and one was in the Cleveland, OH area. An update, still no Hillary yard signs even though the Demorat HQ has been open in this county for 6 weeks.
    I am seeing more and more Trump yard signs, Trump bumper stickers, Trump tee shirts and Hillary for Prison signs and stickers.

    This includes traveling in my usually conservative county, Summit County (Akron) a liberal bastion, Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) another leftist bastion.

    Our Trump yard signs have not been stolen. This is a first in 3 election cycles. In the past we had to coat with Vaseline, powder with Thai hot pepper and/or spray with deer in estrus spray to keep them from being stolen.
    In my township the Trump signs are springing up like dandelions. I am encouraged.

  7. If there is only one word that gets $hit-canned in 2017, I hope it is the retarded word “diversity”! Is there any more a veiled word for “black progressive” in the American lexicon? And that’s as far as it goes — skin deep. A liberal who happens to be black is “diverse”, but a conservative who happens to be black is called every epithet under the sun and moon.

    BB — It’s not just a guy thing, it’s a conservative thing.

  8. From the minute Trump announced I knew he’d attract a significant number of black voters. These are the people who have been unemployed for months or even years, and keep looking, looking, looking for jobs but there just aren’t any out there. When a person of my experience and skills has to send put 4,500 resumes to get only 14 interviews, sum ting wong with the economy.

  9. Jimmy ”
    @Bad_Brad – it’s a guy thing. Real men don’t see race. They see their fellows – or their enemies.”

    You are absolutely correct. It’s an alpha male thing. I get along better with “Profesional” black men much better than I do with little pussy white guys.

  10. @ MJA….it would be easier and probably more safe to rent and drive a u-haul rather then to hop into one…when will you be here? and what do ya like to eat and drink?…bring friends….the goats don’t seem to be put out by visitors…actually they might prefer visitors, I’m kinda boring and tend to only read them Harry Potter books…

  11. @ OpenTheDeplorable – bingo! Since the LA Times left-wing propagandist is used to everything on the Left being faked and Astro-Turfed, he knew – he just KNEW – that Trump’s campaign offices in Long Beach were AstroTurfed just for his benefit.

    We Conservatarians are “deplorable” but the entire Left is despicable, disgusting, lying, Astroturfed, corrupt, anti-American, amoral, immoral, reprehensible, Communist-Progressive-Fascist-National Socialist, Totalitarian, anti-Semitic, RACIST.

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