Messing Up Trump’s Hair – IOTW Report

Messing Up Trump’s Hair

Maybe now certain bloggers will stop embarrassing themselves by calling Trump the “toupeed” whatever.

It ruins their credibility on every other charge, because if they can’t get that right in the face of overwhelming evidence, it calls into question everything else they say.

15 Comments on Messing Up Trump’s Hair

  1. So funny! I just read about via Trump’s tweet. He’s being a very good sport about this. Can you imagine Killery allowing Fallon to peek under her Mao jacket to get a look at the medical device(s)?

  2. Jimmy’s crew has now seen both candidates backstage. I guarantee you that experience alone has converted more than a few to Trump supporters. These stagehands probably felt like prisoners in their own workplace when Hillary’s code team came in and took over. She probably didn’t even think about a tip or party favors for the crew. But you know Trump brought a little something for them.

  3. What sits on Trump’s head affects my life in no way whatsoever.
    Whether obama is who he claims he is, and whether hillary tells the truth even 20% of the times her lips move concerns me gravely.

  4. “Maybe now certain bloggers will stop embarrassing themselves by calling Trump the “toupeed” whatever.”

    Funny thing is if you visit that bloggers site and read the titles to his posts in chronological order you realize Trump plays those assholes just like he does the Libs. And they fall for it every time.

  5. Maybe it’s just me and I’m a old relic but these are candidates for the Presidency of the United States. One opens a jar of pickles and the other allows some tv clown to ruffle his hair. When did respect for the office drop to such lows? What a shame.

  6. Yes– very gay, and very disrespectful to anybody, much less the increasingly likely next Commander In Chief.

    Trump took it with excellent humor. That’s worth some Undecided votes.

    Never thought it was a toupee.

    My better half has convinced me however that Hillary is always wearing one of a series of wigs.
    She points out that her hair length and texturing change every few days in ways that aren’t possible without wigs. No one grows 3 new inches of longer hair overnight.
    Not even a demon-possessed nosferatu from Hell like HRC.

    Won’t it be hilarious if, at her next curbside collapse, she loses her wig on camera?

    Trump 2016.

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