BLM Leader Wants More Police Protection After Being Robbed At Gunpoint – IOTW Report

BLM Leader Wants More Police Protection After Being Robbed At Gunpoint


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34 Comments on BLM Leader Wants More Police Protection After Being Robbed At Gunpoint

  1. These f*cking stupid Leftists.
    ALWAYS projecting onto others….

    Can’t find the article (maybe it was the local TV station’s report on it), but one of the commenters said, in effect,

    “Dude, the robber doesn’t want to hang out with you, doesn’t want to have a beer. He wants your wallet and phone and doesn’t care if he has to kill you for it.”

  2. Wassup? That and no mention of the perp’s race definitely means that it’s a black on black event… why is the guy complaining? According to the “movement” black on black crime doesn’t exist.
    The PD should arrest him for filing a false report since it didn’t happen.

  3. What is NOT being reported is that the area mentioned is bordered by Westheimer, a noted gay mecca for cruising for sex. This one qualifies! the Wassup is code for wanna fuck me? YUCK!

  4. Maybe I long for more Charles Bronson movies, but what a great lesson for this punk: To be robbed in his back yard after blaming all his life’s ills on the police. Hollywood couldn’t have scripted it any better!

  5. Police protection?
    What for?
    I hate to break this to you Poinsey, but I don’t think your robber recognized you for the Social Justice Titan you are.
    Did you explain it to the guy?
    Show him your Tinder profile?
    Did you tell him: “Yo Bro, I’m in Black Lives Matter. I’m on your side, I fight the Man, don’t take my wallet.”
    Look you sniveling little shit. Act like a man.
    Defend your own damn self against Black hoodlums.
    Everybody else has to.

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