Journolister Worm, Dave Weigel, Tries To Disprove the Fact That Hillary Began the Birther Movement – IOTW Report

Journolister Worm, Dave Weigel, Tries To Disprove the Fact That Hillary Began the Birther Movement

John Nolte of Breitbart does a great job of wading through the facts, that are available to everyone, in order to show thatĀ Grandma Cankles is Birther Zero.

Fat Charlie Sheen with a predator mustache, however, still insists this is just right-wing smearing of poor Hillary.

It’s not.

See here.

ht/ Tsunami


14 Comments on Journolister Worm, Dave Weigel, Tries To Disprove the Fact That Hillary Began the Birther Movement

  1. I printed out tbe list of Journolisters back when the story of their perfidy broke. I still have it. I want to remember who those treasonous pieces of shit are. Weigel and his propadandist cohorts should be harassed at every turn.

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