Dan Rolle, Former Democratic Congressional Candidate, Says Hillary Stole Nevada – IOTW Report

Dan Rolle, Former Democratic Congressional Candidate, Says Hillary Stole Nevada

Observer: Hillary Clinton’s State Department has been revealed to be indefensibly unethical. From the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play to the highly questionable defensesClinton used during her FBI investigation, the extent to which similar dirty politics were used to help her win the Democratic primaries merits further attention. After the releases by Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0, the role in which Nevada—a crucial early voting state—played in stopping Bernie Sanders’ surge against Clinton is brought into light. The undemocratic nature by which Clinton won the Democratic primaries sets a dangerous precedent.

On September 15, former Congressional candidate in Nevada’s fourth district, Dan Rolle, took to Twitter to explain how, starting in 2012, the Nevada Democratic Party began changing the state’s voter registration system as a means to rig the caucuses for Clinton. Most state Democratic parties—including Nevada—moved to NGPVAN database systems, which Rolle says facilitated the monopolization of voter data in favor of Clinton.

“So now, if you are @HillaryClinton and you have @NGPVAN, you know everything about every democrat. Including who WON’T vote for you,” Rolle tweeted. “So how do you fix that? Simple. Vote Builder. A piece of software that can change the state voter file. And you do that with: @NGPVAN”

Rolle attended a fundraising call before the Nevada caucuses, between ClintonCampaign Manager Robby Mook and Nevada Democratic Party donors who were worried she would lose the state, as 70 percent of newly registered voters were expected to support Sanders. According to Rolle, there was a meeting with donors in New York leading up to the Nevada caucus, where donors threatened to pull out.

“I met with Nevada Democratic Party executive board members who told me they were aware of caucus members being bussed in from California,” Rolle told the Observer, noting there were significant discrepancies with the Nevada Democratic Party’s voter file. “When I pressed on the accuracy in the voter file, I was told ‘it’s garbage’ by an executive board member.”  A lot more here

11 Comments on Dan Rolle, Former Democratic Congressional Candidate, Says Hillary Stole Nevada

  1. WAY BEYOND TIME to have that bitch of Benghazi arrested for high treason, no pardons, and fire the DOJ AG Loretta Lynch, useless lackey of the Cartel! Appoint a special prosecutor and let the facts speak for themselves. By the time its done, Trump will make the determination how to try her. If Barky tries to intervene, lock him up as co-conspirator. FAR far past time to clean house in DC.

  2. I know. So ridiculous. Reid wondering how Trump got all his money.
    How did Reid get all his money when he spent his life in congress? Did he have a part time job?
    STFU you one eyed bitch!

  3. Geezus holy cow, do every one of these leftists just sit around and seethe and stew and spew venom 24/7 and every day of the year? These people just seethe with hatred, for everything. Behind the scenes, they always have their fingers in the kitty, too. I’m lookin at you too Bernie Mr. Corrupt taxpayer pocket liner and also your corrupt wife. Can we just be rid of these batschitt crazy lunatics for good and run them out of public office? Shouldn’t they go into boxing or wrestling or martial arts and then they can just fight fight fight? I know, they would have to work hard, and there would be no one or nothing to steal.

  4. Gee Wally, if they’ll cheat each other there is nothing they won’t stoop to to win!
    And Bernie, I don’t wanna hear about it. If yer standards are so high then you need to return the money and move out of yer new exclusive dacha on the Champlain Islands!

  5. @cfm990 September 16, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    > Sooner or later, even the press is gong to have a hard time protecting her.

    Because, reporting facts known to be fabricated, fabricating one’s own facts, and denying the existence of facts that disprove your current fable, are career impediments for professional journalists? You might want to fact check that.

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