ICYMI – Trump Called a Press Conference To Discuss the Birther Issue – IOTW Report

ICYMI – Trump Called a Press Conference To Discuss the Birther Issue

I’m starting to understand why his last name is Trump.

John King of CNN said, “we were played, again.”

The press showed up to hear Trump make a statement about the Birther issue. For over 20 minutes the press listened to dozens and dozens of top military figures praising and endorsing Trump. This went out to millions on CNN.

Then after that was done Trump said, Oh, and Obama was born in America.”

Mic drop.

Trump aired an infomercial for free.

In response, Hillary went ballistic on Twitter. She realized her campaign has to spend millions for the same kind of face time that Trump manages to get spending nothing.


ht/ all too much

14 Comments on ICYMI – Trump Called a Press Conference To Discuss the Birther Issue

  1. Shows who is the Pro (Trump) and who are the amateurs and newbies (all the rest). Surprised Cankles didn’t get so angry that another stroke out would have happened. Then again, considering the frequencies of her dropping like a Concorde with no wings, maybe she did. Her Thighness soon will have a major blowout of fat from her ass landing gear.

  2. I have many times marveled at how Trump has been several steps ahead of his competitors. Even saying outrageous things worked to his advantage because it gave him hundreds of millions of dollars in free media.

    This, however, was a stroke of brilliance that I bet Roger Ailes had help in crafting. Trump even made everyone wait when he didn’t show up on time.

    DC Whispers has a great picture to go with the story http://dcwhispers.com/trump-just-played-mainstream-media-like-fools/

  3. All Trump said before the event
    was that he had “a major announcement.”

    But it seems the “press” assumed he meant
    “birther” junk.

    And. It. SHOWED.
    In every report following the conference.

    More fuel for the fire.

    In my dreams, a President Trump
    Press conference would not take place
    in that tiny room of the White House,
    in which the usual media scum
    squeeze in together to ask questions.
    I want Trump to have a calm, quite chat
    with ONLINE BLOGGERS, one at a time
    for some quality Q&A.


    In. My. Dreams.

  4. I heard that the enraged reporters tore down the campaign backdrop which Trump had left behind after he rick-rolled them.

    And regarding Hillary’s rage tweets: A woman you can bait with a press conference, is not a woman we can trust with nuclear weapons.

  5. If Hillary loses, we are going to see the most epic case of sour grapes in U.S. history.

    I just tweeted her that sour grapes are not good for peopke with pneumonia. Follow me on Twitter: greetingsfromyonkers@GfromYonkers.

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