The Maul of America – IOTW Report

The Maul of America

Fitting that the Minnesota mall is called the Mall of America, because we’ve been mauled.

Our “representatives” have sold us out.

There is a shot in the video of a man carrying his baby, just wanting to have a day out shopping, like Americans have been doing peacefully for decades. This has been robbed from him by these third-worlders. (But, there is more than 50% chance that this guy might be a progressive moron who voted for all of this. In that case, if there is to be a stabbing, slashing or beheading at the mall, I hope it’s someone like him and not some poor conservative stuck in that progressive hellhole.)

Story with video

ht/ rob e.

22 Comments on The Maul of America

  1. I live not too far from the MOA. It’s been at least 3 or 4 years since I went there. Not worth it.

    Article said “the people who were arrested or cited all were between the ages of 12-15”. Must have been during the day because kids under 18 are not allowed without an adult after 6pm. Oh, shit. Never mind. They probably had adult ‘supervision’.

  2. The Annual Eid Pillaging of MOA. How many goats did they bring to rape and slaughter?
    I wonder what chemicals they use to fumigate and sanitize after this massive subhuman bowel movement has cleared out.
    A couple of well-placed snipers would have turned this into an interesting game.

  3. My little fantasy is for a local group to declare a Minnesota State Ham Week and set up kiosks at the mall for offering tastes of Virginia Ham, Springfield Ham, Prosciutto di Parma, Jamón Serrano, Nusschinken Westphalian Ham, and you get the idea. Ham everywhere! The week, of course, would be scheduled to include Eid.

    If the mall would allow, maybe the restaurants could get in on the act if it were the Minnesota State Ham and Sausage Week. Imagine the lovely aroma of grilling sausages filling the mall…!

  4. Only 10 arrests and no beheading? The police didn’t want to be condemned as racist, Islamophobic?

    Can’t wait for the muzz lives matter demonstrations, thing is, the police haven’t shot enough of then yet.

    (Forgive Me Lord, I am a worthless sinner.)

  5. Claudia, did they ever put in that light rail transit from downtown to MOA? Many Minnesotans are afflicted with the dangerous mental disorder, and can’t resist the urge to idiocy. Not talking about Claudia, of course.

  6. My 23-year old nephew found his political legs this past year and is very pro-Trump. He hits the websites that get tons of hits (the ones that I can’t stand like Reddit) and is constantly posting. He also won over just about all the workers at his retail job. He’s a very smart kid and has the gift of gab.

  7. @Boehnerdict, Yes, the did get their precious chocho. Now they want more. They re-did 494 to the west (from 394 to 94) and left it as 3 lanes. They won’t put in another lane because they want the median for their chocho.

    They are children.

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