The Front Fell Off — This Sounds Like Our Senators – IOTW Report

The Front Fell Off — This Sounds Like Our Senators

HT/ Bad Brad

Very funny video by Clarke and Dawe.

21 Comments on The Front Fell Off — This Sounds Like Our Senators


    A Dumpster has exploded on 23rd Street in New York City, one of Manhattan’s major east-west cross streets. Hundreds of LE and rescue personnel on site. Traffic snarled beyond belief. Three subways lines with stops on that street have had to alter service to work around the problem.

    Best website to follow: (CBS radio news site).

    This follows by about twelve hours an exploding trashcan in Seaside Park, New Jersey. Of course, LE and press twisting themselves into pretzels not to label either act “terrorism.” Like garbage explodes all on its own naturally. Sheesh.

  2. Clarke and Dawe are very funny. Surprised to see a site like this post their videos, though. After all, the people who frequent this website would probably label them commies or socialists. They’re neither, of course–at least by the standards of sensible Aussies and other non-Americans–they’re just moderate left-wingers. Although, right-wingers in Oz (that is, what you’d probably classify as standard Democrats*) despise them and the publicly-funded TV channel they appear on.

    *The right wing party in Oz is the Liberal Party. Liberalism is, after all, actually a conservative ideology. It’s not leftism in any case as it generally has nothing to do with things like labour, socialism, marxism etc, and is more concerned with ideas of personal liberty and autonomy–ideas that are mostly antithetical to the collectivism of the left. USA doesn’t actually have a mainstream leftist/workers/socialist party (i.e. a labour party) so it’s quite amusing seeing sites like this and their attendant obsessions with socialism or whatever. You have two conservative parties, one is pro-gay marriage and the other would rather not discuss gay marriage at all. That’s basically the difference. And there’s nothing inherently socialistic or marxist or whatever about those kind of social issues, btw. Cultural marxism, fe, is an incoherent idea entirely invented by the right and is incongruous with marx’s materialist ideology.

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