“Make America Great Again” is hate speech – IOTW Report

“Make America Great Again” is hate speech

A college student in Canada demanded a student take off a hat with the Trump slogan “Make America Great Again.”

She said it was hate speech. See the loon in action—>

ht/ semerl

22 Comments on “Make America Great Again” is hate speech

  1. WHAT PART OF STFU BITCH didn’t she get? She is in Canada, so what is her business in how we vote? If she doesn’t like how we vote, stay in Canada and live your life without trying to coerce others to her one-sided intolerant view, stupid Liberal bitch.

  2. I love the way she Vapor-locked when she heard the word “Illegal”
    for the first time in her life.
    You could almost hear the gears grinding to a halt and smell the oil burning.

  3. Couldn’t she just flee to a safe space somewhere until the menacing headgear of doom was out of range? That other malink grabbed the guys hat trying to score points was begging for a wedgie after getting knocked on his ass and he still wasn’t getting anywhere with her.

  4. Yeah, she is a dumb crunt. Probably enrolled in a socially significant degree program that guarantees unemployment. In fairness though, you fellows have had dumber ones on cam. In any event God will probably rake care of her and she’ll marry some trucker and she’ll live in a trailer park with 5 kids wondering what the hell happened.

  5. I gave up trying to be polite and explain to Libtards after learning those lessons from my whiney Canadian Libtard daughter-in-law. Fortunately the neighborhood I live in and the people I work with are basic and sane. Otherwise I’d be spending a lot of time in jail for assault, verbal and physical.

  6. That little faggot deserves a citizen’s arrest for robbery. If they call the cops, good – all the better. If the cops say you can’t wear the hat, you are in a communist country.

  7. Canadians haven’t a clue. Their own immigration system is quite strict and they’ll hunt you down if you’ve overstayed your visa by a couple of months. It takes years to become a citizen here, there are no sanctuary cities, and no one gets healthcare till they are at least a permanent resident. Of course the news media up here are as big a set of liars as they are in the US, so all the Canucks are a bunch of dead-headed liberal idiots. Thank God I don’t have to mix with them.

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