@ss – IOTW Report


Ebony magazine is proud of this photo they captured for the “End of the Obama Era” cover.


ht/ annie

39 Comments on @ss

  1. Did you modify that pic Fur? If not, I’m surprised that this unflattering picture ever made it to print. Otherwise a Sherpa guide could laden this beast with…. oh forget it. Wouldn’t be proper to type what I’m thinking.

  2. I wager all the toilets in the White Hut that were originally wall hung are now sitting on the floor. Tempered Steel couldn’t hold up that caboose and train. That black shroud sort of looks like the stern of the Titanic if you squint just right.

  3. Obama is obviously standing on a couple of phonebooks… annnnd Michelle obviously got butt implants or is wearing those nasty buttpads that I see infomercials for every now and then.

  4. Where do I begin,

    To tell the story of an ass that never ends,

    Of countless seams her tailor always has to mend,

    The hail of buttons flying when she has to bend,

    Where do I start…

  5. Damn! Obama stages every aspect of his pathetic life. This picture stinks, as a mockery, for one reason: Look closely at the flowers behind Michele. If they are sitting on the window sill, how is it they are IN FRONT of her shoulder? Did the bast@red have to photoshop Michele in because she refused to get that close to him? Freaking amazing.

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