Hillary Hates You – IOTW Report

Hillary Hates You

Kurt Schlichter-

Hillary Clinton hates you.

She doesn’t dislike you. She is not irritated with you. She does not merely prefer the company of others, though she certainly does prefer the company of those who will either pay her or suck up to her.

She hates you.


You’re deplorable. You’re irredeemable. With a wave of her limp, clammy hand, this sick old woman dismisses you from the company of those whose opinions have value, whose interests matter, who have any moral claim to participation in self-governance. You are less than nothing. You are vermin to be, at best, driven from society.

Will Hillary Clinton ever be your president?


ht/ nm

25 Comments on Hillary Hates You

  1. And per Obama we are all suffering from a bad case of sexism if we don’t vote for this woman. I can’t imagine threatening Americans, calling us names, and insulting our intelligence is going to be a positive game changer for her campaign. They have nothing to offer and that is the most transparent piece of the Obama/Hillary legacy.

  2. Hands down the best sentence in the piece:
    “If you refuse to bend a knee, if you insist on defying her, if you refuse to play your assigned role as a supporting character in the creepy psychodrama that is her life, then you are worse than nothing.”

  3. @PHenry – She is not an enemy of the state. She wants and needs the state to achieve her goals. In fact, she is the state taken to its inevitable and logical conclusion.

    I am an enemy of the State because I’m a patriot.

  4. It’s not just Hillary. Hollywood, many in Congress from both sides if the aisle and many in .gov service believe “we” are worthless.
    If Trump wins we are just alloted more time to prepare.
    At this point the ending is inevitable. Surviving what comes after and the rebuilding are what you need to make ready for.
    Physically and Spiritually.
    It won’t be pretty.

  5. She already stated, on record, that she considers Republicans to be “enemies”. If the go-along-to-get-along Republicans in Washington earn that moniker, it isn’t a stretch at all to imagine the contempt she holds for anyone with even a modicum of independent thought.

  6. @oaksmiles: “She already stated, on record, that she considers Republicans to be “enemies”. If the go-along-to-get-along Republicans in Washington earn that moniker, it isn’t a stretch at all to imagine the contempt she holds for anyone with even a modicum of independent thought.”

    I think you are getting the “We Republicans” mixed up with the RINO “go-along-to-get-along Republicans in Washington”

  7. POS words from a diseased ridden POS old nag. Fuck you Hildabeast and that POS William Jefferson too. I would rather hate two people like we do you both, versus be hated intensely by 60 million enemies just waiting.

  8. She and her ilk would cheerfully toss me into a crematorium. Maniacal tyrants and their lickspittles are always among mankind, waiting for the opportunity to take control and rule with an iron fist. History has shown this time and time again.

  9. I saw the Hilldabeast video which was green screened and she did turn around and wave at a blank wall. There were no persons around and the applause was CANNED CANNED CANNED. She is as fake as her old wornout body and scraggly face. No facelifts can lift that saggy mountain. Funny how stupid she is to be “so enlightened” snark/ When you should lovingly embrace those whose help you need to win, she turns around and snaps and bites them as hard as her dentures let her. One day someone will pulverize her stupid face into a crushed casaba melon and the world will cheer. Damned cunt thinks she is invincible. Hide and watch!

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