Weiner Heading for Jail? Carried On Online Sexting With Underaged Girl of 15 – IOTW Report

Weiner Heading for Jail? Carried On Online Sexting With Underaged Girl of 15

Anthony Weiner carried on a months-long online sexual relationship with a troubled 15-year-old girl telling her she made him ‘hard,’ asking her to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits and pressing her to engage in ‘rape fantasies’



  • The girl says she told him she was 15 and a sophomore in high school; messages confirm he knew she was underage
  • In one message Weiner tells the girl ‘I would bust that tight p***y’ 



37 Comments on Weiner Heading for Jail? Carried On Online Sexting With Underaged Girl of 15

  1. @harbqll
    Yes, I stand corrected. Still disgusting. Having children around while engaging in playtime with self is questionable at best…what’s he teaching his son? Will Weiner Jr be play acting in Kindergarten class like pappy?

  2. In MI, 15 is the age of consent. So, he could have sex with her and it would not be a crime. However, sending or receiving pics of the 15 yr old would be child porn.

    Crazy world we live in…..

  3. I think it’s just a laying the groundwork for Hillary 2020. Even New American old-maids, just like Old American old-maids, are desirable – not deplorable – to the Democratic Party.

  4. All he has to do is troll NYC Time Square…plenty of fags would hit on him and beg him to bust their p**sies. Hell, SickSlick Willie would even help out with any overflow. @FDRInHell….were the dimmocrats this bad in your day, or has the degenerate gene blossomed in their nut sacks? Of course you did knock off some strange stuff, either Eleanor or your Warm Springs, GA squeeze, Lucy “missy” Mercer.

  5. Time to address this child sex predator once and for all. He is a defiant and aggressive predator. Next stop: RAPE.

    He is daring society to stop him. He is like a serial killer that gets off on toying with the cops. Like David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam. Sending letters to the cops and press.

    If you see something, say something…
    we see a sex predator/rapist on the hunt. DO SOMETHING !!!

  6. What a nasty person. Ever notice the extreme numbers of “liberals” who have serious clinical issues? There are hundreds, of not thousands, who have gone to jail for the exact thing this perverse individual has done. It’s a real shame the law doesn’t apply to everyone equally like it’s supposed to. Regardless, this is one sick and nasty piece of work.

  7. What I find saddest about this scenario is that I know several dad’s of young children who would love the opportunity to be stay-at-home dads.

    Anthony has this wonderful opportunity and he’s squandered it completely. He’s neglecting his son and engaging in criminal conduct, ignoring the joy that his own son could bring him and turning instead to immature girls for approbation. What a yutz.

    BTW, he’ll never get custody now. He’s just made Huma’s lawyer’s job much easier.

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