Charlotte: Savage Pushes Woman Reporter When She Tried To Keep Her Photographer From Being Pulled Into a Fire – IOTW Report

Charlotte: Savage Pushes Woman Reporter When She Tried To Keep Her Photographer From Being Pulled Into a Fire

27 Comments on Charlotte: Savage Pushes Woman Reporter When She Tried To Keep Her Photographer From Being Pulled Into a Fire

  1. And we are afraid of ISIS sponsored terror attacks in America? What the hell, we don’t need no stinking ISIS to tear our country down! We have the BLM terrorist group, funded by the Obama administration, through public funds and also that rat bastard, Soros! We have Obama himself, never missing a chance to stir a bit of chaos, send in the jack-booted DOJ, at HIS discretion. We have a horror show president denigrating this country, every chance he gets. America is so horrible and wretched that it ELECTED HIS SORRY, LYING ASS as president.

    ISIS sits back and watches the back stabbing, self-centered, worthless congress, justice department, and executive department turn the screws, as the enemies of America kick back, eat popcorn and watch the self destruction of the United States Of America.

    United we stand, divided, we fall and we can thank the aggressive progressives and complicit and colluding GOP, and very biased justice department, especially under Obama’s reign of terror.

    The damn, haughty, all of a sudden principled NEVER TRUMP GOP, stand against Trump as an ‘unknown’. THAT’S HIS APPEAL, jackasses. We KNOW what Hillary is! We know what you self-aggrandizing jackasses are; lying, cheating, elitist, conniving, grifters, full of sh$t. Trump looks like rain to Californians; it might bring flooding, but oh what a relief from the drought.

    America has strained under a drought of progressive stupidity and loss of freedoms. BRING ON THE FLOODS. Hopefully it will at least flush the stench filled DC cesspool down the drain and give America back the right to be proud, once again.

  2. Not only the finest people in the world but the most successful, peaceful, wealthy,
    inclusive, charitable, hard working, humble, quiet and unselfish. Just look at Africa if you want a historic success story of inclusion, honesty, modernity and benign political leadership, right Mugabe?!

  3. How about this:
    The cops walk down the street.
    Those who are out looting, throwing stuff and damaging property are caught, beat with batons and left for the cops behind the line to handcuff and throw in the wagon.
    Chanting in rhythm with their baton strikes on shields the cops in the line shout:
    “No peace, no Justice”

  4. Well looks like he got a piece of the action. You can’t be filming real live African natives in their tribal killing mode without getting smacked yourself. Like politicians, I have no sympathy for any of them when they get their ass kicked. I guess they did stick that microphone up her butt. GOOD!

  5. Look closer at these protests and videos.
    This is not white versus black.
    This is left versus right.
    This is scum versus civil.

    Savages refers to these protestors – white and black. (Although most of the white agitators are mostly in their ivory tower.)

    If you’re still dividing this country into white versus black, you’re doing it wrong.

  6. I’ve got a plan that will eradicate both BLM’s – merge them into one organization. Put the black goons in the desert telling rednecks they can’t be there. Put the BLM rangers in a group standing in the middle of the freeway. The situation will work itself out.

  7. Did you notice how long the cops just stood there and watched the animals doing this to those people before they ran over there?

    Thugs beat up white people. Cops instructed to let it happen.

    Fk this society.

  8. BFH, you are so right. Watching those white hipster douches scurrying around with their cellphones, pirouetting 360°selfies, was pissing me off more than the black thugs swaggering around with their shirt in their hand. Nobody was beating up white people that I could see. Then it dawned on me that the majority of the “protestors” white and black, looked like poser college kids out to practice what they learned in their Protest 101 class.

  9. The precursor to Nat Geo was Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom. Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler traveled to the four corners of the earth and filmed wild animals in their natural habitat and brought hours of wonderful footage into our living rooms.

    Most often Marlin narrated from the safety of a studio whilst Jim was “downstream wrestling a Nile crocodile amidst breeding hippos”.

    Obama is to Marlin, as front line police force is to Jim.

    There’s the hierarchy of the network bosses, advertisers, Marlin and lastly Jim.
    Soros, Obama’s DOJ, locally appointed (political) police officials, and the front line. Everybody takes their orders from someone. The crocs and hippos are simply doing what they do naturally. Everyone else, albeit some unknowingly, are just a part of the production.

  10. While 7.62 is a stopper, I think some sub-sonic .22 would be more effective.

    Why give away your position with every shot?

    Also, I think your most effective targets would be the whiteys. CPUSA whiteys top the list.

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