Internet Loon Says Shirley Jones is Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Internet Loon Says Shirley Jones is Hillary Clinton

I saw a comment on Breitbart where a reader made mention of a Shirley Jones posing as Hillary. I thought this might be the name of a known Hillary entertainer/impersonator.

Nope. They meant the Partridge Family star.

This video, had it been made to mock conspiracy theorists, would be hilarious. Because this guy is dead serious it makes it depressing.

See for yourself.

You’ll learn that Marty Ingels, search Jones’ current husband, is actually Jack Cassidy. Cassidy didn’t die in a fire. His sagging career forced him to reinvent himself, so he faked his death and he became Marty Ingels. (What happened to the real Marty Ingels is never explained by this lunatic.)

And “Marty” sits in the front row at “Hillary” speeches (he has screen shots), because Jack Cassidy has a “big ego” and is taunting, willing to push the envelope so that sharp guys like this youtube schmuck could discover that Hillary is really Shirley Jones.

Other “bombshells” that this video drops –

Mike Huckabee is Vince Foster.

Bernie Sanders is a Rothchild.

Marco Rubio is Norman Lear’s nephew.

No school shooting has ever taken place. Every last one of them has been a hoax. Why he limits his theory to just school shootings seems pretty disciplined for such a delusional sack of pecker dribblings. Why doesn’t he just say that all shootings, everywhere, are fake? Can’t he find a “crisis actor” that faintly resembles the people involved in a cop shooting? I don’t think he’s trying hard enough.

You know, when the UN takes control of the internet, they are going to point to morons like this guy to make their case that regulation is necessary.

He’s as much a disservice to truth as the “fake shootings” are to the assault on 2A.


Yet another dipshit on youtube believes Shirley Jones is Hillary.



12 Comments on Internet Loon Says Shirley Jones is Hillary Clinton

    (honestly though, Shirley Jones has always been beautiful, Hillary has always been ugly, wrinkles don’t equal twins.)

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