Largest TEA Party Organization in America Endorses Donald Trump For President – IOTW Report

Largest TEA Party Organization in America Endorses Donald Trump For President

I guess this means the #NeverTrump crowd will be divorcing themselves from the TEA party.

The amount of people they’ve had to disavow is growing and growing.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

7 Comments on Largest TEA Party Organization in America Endorses Donald Trump For President

  1. I’m still puzzled at these #nevertrump d-bags. The composition of SCOTUS alone should force them to hold their nose if they have to, but vote Trump. Over the last number of years we’ve seen where the real power in America resides. It’s not in the two elected branches of government but rather in the unelected Supreme Court. If Clinton is elected about one minute later Ginzburg and Stevens announce their retirement. This will give Clinton three nominations and will the GOP still having RINO’s it will end up giving her three choices and she’ll make them all liberal (maybe one a stealth lib to satisfy the RINO’s). This would give them effective control over the country for the next 25 years. God, what assholes these nevertrump people are. If you see one, punch them in the mouth.

  2. Only took them 4 months AFTER the Indiana primary to figure out Trump would be our nominee. How much damage have they done to our nominee due to their blind and STUBBORN allegiance to Ted Cruz (who never stood a CHANCE at winning either our nomination or the presidency). The amount is unfortunately immeasurable. I will now count them as an ally but do so cautiously. So sad.

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