“Trump Will Go 26th” – IOTW Report

“Trump Will Go 26th”

HT/ Ed

This was broadcasted on the radio. It was recorded just outside of Newark Airport.

What the hell is it?

28 Comments on “Trump Will Go 26th”

  1. Re Zackary K Hubbard YouTube vid link by Aggie…..
    Besides being an obvious Zionist Joo adherent, Zach appears to link (albeit the circuitous route via China and back) association to the Kabbalah.

    While Zach seems enthralled with numerology, I too can draw conclusions from a myriad of dates, e.g., I took the day, month and year of my birthday, added it to Saturday’s date 09/24/2016. I then divided it by my house # and subtracted 50 (because I like the number 50). Low and behold, my local drug store is selling Charmin toilet tissue for the exact amount in today’s flier.

    See how that works? You’ll never convince me its coinky-dink. 😉

  2. If you think this is looney, wait until the ‘world’ has control of the Internet.

    A special thanks to jackass McConnell for bending over to Obama, once again, by not LEADING the senate (sitting on your asses) to STOP the Obama rape of America. You have shown your true colors again: sh$t brown, McConnell.

  3. If you find that irritating, wait until Obama rapes America by handing over the Internet to ‘the world’. I wonder which off shore account he had that payment go to.

    A huge shout out to our ever capitulating senate leader, McConnell, for holding America down, while Obama performs further ruination of America. Colluding, worthless pieces of junk, every member of congress who has sat upon their butts, raking in the public finds, while Obama sells off America.

    When we’ve lost our freedoms completely, what do you think happens to you? Read your history, despotic congressional members. Welcome to the gulag.

  4. If you find that irritating, wait until Obama rapes America by handing over the Internet to ‘the world’. I wonder which off shore account he had that payment go to.

    A huge shout out to our ever capitulating senate leader, McConnell, for holding America down, while Obama performs further ruination of America. Colluding, worthless pieces of junk, every member of congress who has sat upon their butts, raking in the public finds, while Obama sells off America.

    When we’ve lost our freedoms completely, what do you think happens to you? Read your history, despotic congressional members. Welcome to the gulag.

  5. OK, I figured it out. The message (clearly “Trump April 26”) was broadcast on 1630 AM. April 26 can be written as 4/26. If you sum up all the individual numbers in 4/26 (4+2+6), you get 12. If you sum up all the individual numbers in 1630 (1+6+3+0), you get 10, This sum, when subtracted from the first sum (12), equals 2. When that number is then subtracted from the second sum (10), you get 8, which by an unbelievable coincidence, happens to be exactly equal to the number of letters in the word “BULLSHIT”.

    Is that not truly a mind-boggling revelation?


    And for weeks I’ve been saying that she’s going to get the birthday gift of her life from Julian Assange.

    Trump will go to the White House, figuratively, on October 26. That, for Hillary, is the day the music dies.

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