His Name Should Have Been Boommerang – IOTW Report

His Name Should Have Been Boommerang

Here is the dog that the Charleston Animal Society has tried to adopt, but he keeps returning over and over again.

He escapes from his new owners and returns.


Each new family interested in Gumby was warned of his Houdini-like escape skills. On March 12, 2015, a fourth brave soul brought Gumby home. The staff at CAS were delighted not to see or hear from Gumby for nearly 4 months. But on July 5th, a familiar face arrived at the facility, again branded as a stray.

On August 22, Gumby was adopted by Owner #5. Less than 2 months later, he appeared at a sister shelter to CAS located in Berkeley County – about 30 miles from Charleston! Kay calls this excursion Gumby’s Walkabout. His sixth adoption was even briefer – the adopter’s current dog didn’t take to Gumby’s buoyant personality.

The final attempt to find Gumby a forever home began on December 6, 2015 and lasted until January 4, 2016. When he surrendered Gumby, the adopter told staff that he had escaped 3 times in less than a month. One time he even busted out of the man’s screen door. The adopter also reported that he could not housebreak Gumby. Was this just a stubborn hound refusing to brave the cold in order to poop? Or an evil genius method of making his way back to the shelter once again? We may never know.

What was the solution?

HT/ annie

15 Comments on His Name Should Have Been Boommerang

  1. Pretty natural, if ya think about it … criminals going back to jail, negroes returning to the Plantation, Demonrats backing corrupt pols …

    Why not a dog?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Sweet story. Our pit bull that died 2 years ago was nicknamed houdini. She would somehow turn her cage upside down, the gravity locks would open and she’d get out. Securing the cage to the floor led her to chew through the plastic bottom then dig thru the carpet, padding and a hole thru the plywood under it all. In another all metal cage she managed to bend the latches, effectively breaking them and got out. We stopped caging her. When we adopted her she was being kept in a tent at the foster home because she managed to break every cage she was in; that should have been a big enough clue for us. She ran out the door once, none of the shelters had her, no one saw her. She finally turned up on day 4 at a shelter 2 miles away. We volunteered at the shelter for a year after the event and she enjoyed visiting. Maybe it was her calling as well.

  3. My neighbors Lab use to jump over our 3 foot fence all the time and go for a stroll. I chased her bout every other day and would take her in or home, to save my neighbor from the dog catcher fees. We kinda think of her as ours,She sometimes sleeps over,as this is her second home.
    Now she’s older an just looks at us to come get her so we do.Can’t help but lover her.

  4. I’m with Callie: I vote for genius. Unlike most, Gumby is not “floating” through life, wherever it takes him. He is “making” the life he wants to live.

    Not even many of us humans do that. ….Lady in Red

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