Lawsuit Claims STD’s Jim Carrey Gave Ex-Girlfriend Triggered Her Suicide – IOTW Report

Lawsuit Claims STD’s Jim Carrey Gave Ex-Girlfriend Triggered Her Suicide

ew little girl face

DML: Jim Carrey is currently being sued by Mark Burton, the estranged husband of Carrey’s ex-girlfriend Cathriona White. The original lawsuit filed by Burton accused Carrey of providing White with the prescription drugs she used to overdose in September 2015.

In addition to these claims, the newly amended lawsuit accuses Jim Carrey of giving his ex-girlfriend three different sexually transmitted diseases. In a revised complaint filed to the Superior Court of the State of California, Burton is claiming that Carrey lied about having STDs and then dumped White when she went to get tested.

The amended lawsuit alleges in 2013 White found out that Carrey had given her Herpes Type 1, Herpes Type 2 and gonorrhea. Carrey then pressured White to stay quest by making her sign a contract.  MORE

13 Comments on Lawsuit Claims STD’s Jim Carrey Gave Ex-Girlfriend Triggered Her Suicide

  1. I dunno.. is that really worth committing suicide over?

    Being single lately (boo), and responsible I know: HSV Type 1 is so common Dr’s don’t even test for it anymore unless you really ask. 80%+ are positive lately?

    HSV Type 2 is also fairly common, something like about 30-40% are positive these days. Higher in certain populations and other countries.

    Being viral, neither are curable. But controllable through anti-viral meds.

    Uncomfy yes, but if you had chicken pox for example it was kinda similar. just minus the negative stigma.

    Gonorrhea from Jimbo too, yuk but still curable I assume since it’s a bacterial infection. Though the UK is experiencing signs of an ~ incurable strain lately.

  2. I dunno, this all could be true but with lawyers trying set their claws into you, it sounds par for the course. Like the estranged wife accusing hubby of abusing the kids so as to gain full, vice shared, custody. Further, the chick has probably rounded more than a few corners in Hollywood so no telling what she showed up to the party with. If I cared more, I’d take it all with a grain of salt.

  3. If the family gets a jury trial with the right Judge it’s all over for Mr. Carrey’s bank account. Too bad to. When he first came on the scene he was pretty funny and had some good movies and was great on the tv show In Living Color. However the more he was exposed to the Hollywood/Showbiz set the worse of a human he became. He stopped being funny, started taking himself too seriously, turned hard left and damn near destroyed his career with his support for the anti-vaccination retard set. In any event, if the allegations prove out (or at least as far as you have to prove in a civil suit) then I hope the family cleans him out.

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