DML: Clinton was already in trouble for her use of a private server for State Department business, and for deleting official emails – so one of her IT technicians reportedly went on social media asking for tips on how to delete more data.
The IT techie’s post – which he since deleted as well – was saved in the archives by other Reddit users, and now the House Oversight Committee is considering it key evidence and has ordered Reddit to preserve the posts. They say it “fits the pattern of what we think was happening.” MORE
I’m betting a solid nickel those Reddit Leftist assholes have already deleted every trace of Stonetear Combetta’s Reddit presence.
The Repubs keep threatening to
“do something” and “nothing” is done.
Go Trump!
The current Repubs are doing something.
they are implying that they know the posts exist and are telling Reddit “nothing better happen to those”. Right?
Doesn’t it depend on what the word “ordered” means. . .
The computer could crash and all is lost too, eh?
All legit. Sorry we couldn’t comply.
A bunch of hooey
Reggie’s Love
About thirty years ago, my friend and I founded a way to recognize the stupidest acts of criminals–The Stupid Criminal Hall of Fame. The entire Clinton camp belongs there.
The charter inductee was a bank robber who was caught bragging about his caper on the security tape at Farrell’s, a popular bar in the Windsor Terrace section of Brooklyn.