Hillary Clinton Sponsored Secretive Arab Spring Program that Destabilized Middle East – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Sponsored Secretive Arab Spring Program that Destabilized Middle East

Breitbart –

The U.S. State Department under the leadership of Secretary Hillary Clinton continued a program to embolden foreign, revolutionary, social media activists to agitate for regime change in various parts of the world. The program arguably had major, detrimental consequences for the trajectory of the Middle East.

Recent leaks show a memo     [https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/16792]      that top Clinton aide Huma Abedin sent to her boss stating, “I’m giving you credit for inspiring the ‘peaceful’ protests,” with regard to Egypt, with quotation marks around the word “peaceful.”

The United States government is believed to have utilized a program called the Alliance of Youth Movements Summit, co-founded by a close Hillary Clinton adviser, to provide networking opportunities for an activist plotting to overthrow Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak several years before the “Arab Spring” protests that led to widespread regime change in the Middle East.

Through the Alliance of Youth Movements Summit, the U.S. learned that the Muslim Brotherhood was supportive of a plan to overthrow Mubarak. The U.S.-supported Muslim Brotherhood later briefly ruled Egypt after Mubarak’s ouster.


ht. all too much

9 Comments on Hillary Clinton Sponsored Secretive Arab Spring Program that Destabilized Middle East

  1. Why should this be a shock to anyone? This is exactly what the Democrats are doing in America. Trying to destabilize our country so they can have regime change. (Think Communists)

  2. I clearly remember when she was doing this.
    “Arab Spring” – just another common Liberal-Communist PC practice:
    Put a nice-sounding catchy name on something very sinister and the Media will eat it up, yum-yum!

    Meanwhile let’s all sing Springtime for Hitler and Germany…

  3. Funny how they wouldn’t help the Iranians with their version of an Arab Spring. Equally hilarious was how the left dominated media failed to note the murders of protesters in the streets by thugs working for the mullahs.

    I remember one very poignant video of a young woman shot in the head at a march, surrounded by her shocked & grieving friends, watching her die. She was one of hundreds(maybe many 100s) murdered by the mullahs. If it had been an Egyptian shot by Mubarak’s thugs, it would have been front page, above the fold on The NYT for weeks.

    Our media is disgraceful-right next to the lamp posts for Obama/Jarrett should be some for Burke, Golston et.al.-neither can do what they do without the full cooperation of the other.

  4. Great commemt MM! I remember the ayatollohs had to fly in Arab Hizbollah Shites from Lebonon because they could not trust the Revolutionary Guard to open fire on the young protesters.

    Had any other President been in office, the regime would have been overthrown and we wouldn’t have a nuclear Iran in the offing.

    BHO is a Muslim sympathizer, if not a closet Muslim.
    The fact that his father was a Muslim makes him one in their eyes, but one never hears Muslims condemning him as an apostate worthy of death. Instead, they dine with him at the White Hut.

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