If presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton slips into a coughing fit or any other medical crisis during Monday’s high-stakes debate, she will have to power through, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned!

“There are no commercial breaks,” a commission source explains. “Period.”

Debate moderator Lester Holt does not have the authority to cut away from the stage during the epic 90-minute showdown. And microphone audio for either of the candidates is not to be manipulated.

Clinton has experienced severe coughing episodes throughout the election year. During a Labor Day campaign stop she suffered a 4-minute choking marathon.

Monday’s throwdown could top out at 100 million viewers, making it the biggest political event in history.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The presidential debate commission settled an early flashpoint when Clinton demanded a step-stool at the podium to add height to her 5’4″ frame. Campaign Chairman John Podesta expressed concern that Hillary would be dwarfed by 6’2″ Trump. The request was quickly rejected. The commission is allowing for a custom-made podium, which will accommodate the difference in stature.



  1. Something deep in my heart tells me the debates are going to be the deal maker or breaker in this race. Can’t say who will profit for sure but if I were a betting man my money would on….. The guy the EMTs don’t haul off the stage.

  2. They Hiilary camp has already found the elecrical transformer that powers the debate site. I expect a vehicle accident with said transformer within seconds of the first hack.

  3. You watch. She’ll start coughing and they’ll take a break anyway in sheer violation of the rule right in Trump’s face and there won’t be anything he can do about it. When they come back they’ll be sure to focus on Trump who will no doubt be red faced with rage – while they’ll just act like flagrantly violating their own rules is no big deal and he’s just being ridiculous.
    Rules mean nothing to them.

  4. Just be prepared; She will be crowned Winner by the MSM no matter what. There is no other option.

    So what is she going to do Tuesday after she “wins” the debate? Take a victory nap? Trump will be in Florida Tuesday, holding a rally with 10,000 of his close friends.

  5. One question that Trump should ask the Hilebeast is how she is any different than Snowden with her release of TS information to foreign governments. (I am not supporting Snowden in his crime). The difference between the two is that Snowden wanted people to know what the government was doing and Clinton wanted to HIDE what she and the government were doing. Its to bad that Snowden hasn’t posted any information on Clinton or Soros that he can release.

  6. This debate will be decided by Hilary’s Doctor’s artistry with medication.
    She needs to be dosed to the eyeballs against her coughing, her seizures, the heat, etc., but not to where it makes her loopier than usual.
    She’ll be cathetered, diapered, and she probably has five or six pills stashed on her, and the ear bud so Soros can coach her from afar.
    Throw into the mix that she’ll probably sneak a shot or two of Glenfiddich right before she waddles up on stage, just to ‘box her compass’.
    Trump is going to have some Wendy’s or Hardy’s, yuck it up in the hall with a janitor and his assistant, and hike out on stage.
    I wish her health to hold out just long enough for her to deliver her half-assed concession speech.
    After that, she can melt like the Krauts on the first Indiana Jones movie for all I care.

  7. In previous debates, was flash photography prohibited? If not, will it be especially prohibited in this one? That would be a tacit admission by the debate moderators that Hillary is susceptible to seizures, and they are afraid of triggering one during the debate.

  8.’s Alex Jones predicts that there is at least a 50% chance that Hillary will call in sick for the debates. I think she will show up loaded on Narcotics, since they are a very powerful cough suppressant. She might not cough much, but she also might not be able to stand up or stay awake. Either way she’s screwed.

  9.’s Alex Jones has predicted that there is at least a 50% chance that Hillary will call in sick for the debates. I think she will show up loaded on Narcotics, since they are a very powerful cough suppressant. She might not cough much, but she also might not be able to stand up or stay awake. Either way she’s screwed.

  10. Everybody is lowering the bar for Hillary. What if she performs well and lucks out with no coughing fit? Will she be presumed winner of the debate? Suppose she does seem like she won the debate? Suppose Trump goes off script and calls her Crooked Hillary.
    Will that be the end of Trump?

  11. The higher they prop up the Queen of Bitch, the farther she falls on collapsing, and her neck will break one day. Her personal Nubian handler cannot reach the podium on time, and the guards protecting both candidates should not let anyone close, until they are searched (cavity included).

  12. If Hellary is as messed up as she appears and expires, eventually she’ll be a holographic image, CGI generated and have body doubles for appearances. Don’t put anything past progressives and leftists.

  13. Kabuki.
    Pure theater of the absurd.

    The Media will proclaim HRC the “winner” even if she doesn’t show up.
    Even if she dropped stone dead, they’d claim that was her way of promoting Moose.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. The following nightmare scenario just popped into my head:

    Hillary collapse onstage and, per Secret Service protocol, is rushed to the nearest Level I trauma center (which would be Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola). No information on her condition will be forthcoming from the hospital on the basis of “patient privacy rights.”

    This is why I want Hillary to die right there on that stage Monday evening. It’s the only way the endless stream of lies, half-truths, falsifications and bullshit will stop.

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