Clinton IT Aide Discussed Hillary ‘Cover-Up Operation’ in Work Email – IOTW Report

Clinton IT Aide Discussed Hillary ‘Cover-Up Operation’ in Work Email

PJ Media -A new document released by the FBI late this afternoon in another Friday document dump adds another damning piece of evidence to the inexplicably closed Clinton email case.


An employee at Platte River Networks, the company that managed Hillary Clinton’s emails after she left the State Department, sent a work ticket that referred to the “Hilary [sic] coverup [sic] operation” (Hillary cover-up operation) after Clinton’s team had asked the company to modify her email system so that it would automatically delete messages after 60 days.


ht/ all too much



11 Comments on Clinton IT Aide Discussed Hillary ‘Cover-Up Operation’ in Work Email

  1. You gotta face the fact that even if a video of her turned up with her discussing various ways to delete these 1,00s of emails as well as how to escape the almost certain investigation, it wouldn’t matter.

    If she spends the last month of the campaign in a hospital bed demanding that Trump release his medical records & calling him a______________, it won’t matter to 10s of millions of her sycophants.

    The alphabets will spin it that she realizes the enormity of the job ahead and is just resting. And the video??? C’mon, lets just put that away.

  2. Both parties have used the famous “Friday Dump” (actually revealed to the public on “The West Wing” tv show) as a place to let documents they’d rather not get reviewed released to the public. They know that most of the government has left town as well as the reporters and the only ones left to look at the stuff are interns from the news groups. It’s become so notorious that it’s openly referred to now and yet it’s still used to slide stuff past the public and the media. Congress ought to pass a law precluding a releasing of foia requests etc on Fridays. Imagine what would be found if reporters and interest members of the public actually looked through these document releases. I suspect there are a helluva lot more damning documents about Clinton, Comey, Lynch and the rest of those soon to be criminals (unless Obama gets his magic pen out for pardons) that they’d sooner be buried.

  3. The DOJ and FBI are complicit in Hillary’s e-mail cover-up and now the Clinton Foundation money laundering, fraud and pay to play corruption.

    Justice is depicted as being blind, the DOJ and FBI have made a mockery of the US Justice System. Justice sees exactly what has transpired at the DOJ and FBI and she’s pissed off. I agree with her assessment and reaction.

    “ I think the first duty of society is justice. ”
    Alexander Hamilton.

  4. FBI tweet yesterday; “The FBI celebrates how our diversity makes us stronger.”

    Great. And the rampant corruption in a complicit government that our Justice Department sees but does NOTHING makes us what exactly.. even stronger??

  5. @Navigator

    The FBI co-opting hillary’s political slogan makes us all complicit. The FBI doesn’t even try to mask their partisanship or being an accomplice in Hillary’s illegal activities. Thoroughly disgusted and disheartened.

  6. Cato, it’s disgusting, and yet somehow WE’RE the a-holes for having little faith in government.

    Let me tell you, my wife works for the government. She’s honest, works hard and is great at what she does, but it’s dinks like this that give her a bad name. We need to clean house. These corrupt pricks need to go, stat.

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