Trump Trouncing Clinton in Florida Early Voting Count – IOTW Report

Trump Trouncing Clinton in Florida Early Voting Count

I’m in Florida. Let me tell you, there is a Clinton commercial on just about every channel every 5 minutes.

Hillary is spending a huge portion of her war chest here, to seemingly no avail.

Here are the numbers—


Here are the numbers, via the Florida Division of Elections:

2016 General Election

Election Number – 10282 Election Date – 11/08/2016

Republican 881,274 – Democrat 760,003

This is extremely good news for the Trump campaign.


It should also set off alarm bells at Hillary’s campaign headquarters.

Despite Clinton outspending Trump 5-to-1 in the state, and having a astaggering 57 state offices there according to the NYTimes, Hillary is in big trouble in Florida:

Despite these advantages, Mrs. Clinton is struggling in the Sunshine State, unable to assemble the coalition that gave Barack Obama two victories here, and offering Mr. Trump a broad opening in a road to the White House that not long ago seemed closed to him. Mr. Trump is pressing down hard to win the state, campaigning in Miami on Friday and in Fort Myers on Monday, after a rally in Pensacola recently.

Recent polls show Mrs. Clinton is not earning the same support among Hispanics, young people or white voters that Mr. Obama captured when he eked out a Florida victory four years ago in the country’s most hard-fought swing state.

Well duh, insult Hispanics by calling outreach to them “taco bowls,” enrage young Bernie supporters by rigging the primary, and angering Whites by denouncing police as racist and calling for open borders, and you get what you deserve.

Things are certainly looking up for Trump.


ht/ tsunami

13 Comments on Trump Trouncing Clinton in Florida Early Voting Count

  1. It seems weird that the board of elections would publish results by party prior to polls closing on November 8. Matter of fact, wasn’t that an issue in 2000 because the panhandle is in a different time zone and the results were announced before those polls even closed? Or is my memory failing me?

  2. These are the votes cast by affiliation, it doesn’t tell you the actual vote.
    But we expect more crossover from left to right than right to left, which would mean, logically, that Trump has a big early lead.
    It seems the right is fired up, more so than the left, which, historically, was not the case in past Florida early voting.

  3. For years Florida has been the #1 choice for relocating retirees. It’s hard for me to imagine people over 65–who would have clear memories of a better America–supporting Hillary. For this reason, I always thought Trump winning Florida was a no-brainer. Florida hates you, Hillary.

  4. I’d like to see a much bigger vote gap between Trump and clinton. Trump is running against 0bama/Jarrett too. And those filthy bastards cheat like the devil.

    Still good news, though.

  5. Trump is wise to save the bulk of his money for the last month and change before the election. The public has a short memory and most people have long lost the thoughts of whatever ads Hillary ran in July and August.

    These states on the verge of flipping (Nevada, Colorado, New Hampshire) will be ripe for the picking with all the money Trump will have for the last 6 weeks. States that he probably won’t win but are close in (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan), he can throw some cash that way and force Clinton to burn money defending those states

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