Target Dumps Their Idiotic Idea of Child Shopping Carts – IOTW Report

Target Dumps Their Idiotic Idea of Child Shopping Carts

Yeah, let’s have kids roaming around with shopping carts, as if the adults aren’t friggin stupid and annoying enough.


ht/ fdr in hell

9 Comments on Target Dumps Their Idiotic Idea of Child Shopping Carts

  1. Obviously the cute little carts filled with garbage never got paid for. Another liberal idiot idea, trying to manipulate parents into buying what their kids ‘need’ They should have know – only freebies appeal to libs. Actually paying for their spoiled children’s wants??? Seriously???

  2. Target already provides babysitters…sort of….perverted, mentally ill men who “identify as a woman” on any given day, lurking in the ladies dressing room/bathroom to kidnap and sexually abuse your child.

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