Amazon Scrubbing Negative Comments For Hillary’s Book – IOTW Report

Amazon Scrubbing Negative Comments For Hillary’s Book

To get you up to speed you can read WND’s post from 5 days ago-


‘Could be the first ‘book’ in history to have more reviews … [than] actual sales’

Or you could go to our post 8 days ago –>HERE (if you get my drift.)

But here’s the link to the WND update about the scrubbing (because I’m nice and I link instead of stealing the story and doing it myself, if you get my drift.)

Amazon has been scrubbing the comments.

ht/ js

10 Comments on Amazon Scrubbing Negative Comments For Hillary’s Book

  1. Not a big surprise. Jeff Bezos is a huge prog and a heavy donator to Hillary and other Dems. He bought the Washington Post and turned it even more left/progressive if that’s even possible. Remember this every time you use Amazon Bezo’s gets some more money to give to the left.

  2. The t-shirt itself made fun of in another set of reviews was withdrawn.

    It’s a shame they took out all the brilliantly funny reviews of Hillary’s book, but we knew it couldn’t last and many of us got to enjoy the joke when it must have stung the most for Hillary backers.

  3. Shit fire and save matches. I’ll go back and write the same negative review again and choose 5 stars instead of 1.
    It looks like hundreds have ben busy writing more reviews since the initial deletion.

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