Drudge Poll – Who Won? – IOTW Report

Drudge Poll – Who Won?


53 Comments on Drudge Poll – Who Won?

  1. “I didn’t see it that way.”

    Me neither until some replays. I’m not saying he won, I am saying the sound bytes being played on TV right now are favorable to Trump. I’ll pay IOTW bucks to anybody that can tell me where Chris Stirewalt hangs out. I really want to push that guys nose through his skull. What a dick. The crippled guy on FOX that use to hate Trump is declaring Trump the winner. Freaken amazing.

  2. I thought it was closer than that but there are caveats.

    Everyone is saying trump left things unsaid and hillary hit all the major points.
    There are 3 more debates and she has covered everything and he still has dry powder.

  3. It’s Drudge, what do you expect?

    My take:
    Micro: Draw, no knockout punches.
    Macro : Trump wins by not being a racist loon, Hillary wins by walking off the stage under her own power.
    Cosmic: The former is more important, net edge to Trump.

  4. I’m listening to this bull shit on TV and they don’t get it. Trump did not prepare for this debate. Probably not a mistake. He got out there and the reality got him. This guys the fastest study I’ve ever seen. I thought he held his own but lost. She’s toast from here on out.

  5. This is why I watched COPS on Spike & WGN.

    1) Because the ONLY way I could watch Hitlery for a FEW seconds, is her funeral.
    2) I rather LIKED watching Hitlery’s constituents getting arrested for 2 straight hours. 😀
    3) If I need to “see” how KLIN – TON II did, I’ll catch the synopsis at The People’s Cube. 😆

  6. Trump didn’t put her away. Clinton has been doing this for decades. It isn’t going to change the opinions of either candidates’ supporters. Independents will determine this election, and I don’t think they are going to be swayed by this debate. She didn’t foam at the mouth, and he didn’t go bonkers. It’s a draw. This election might be determined by another Islamic Terrorist attack or the release of more missing yoga emails.

  7. I am hoping that Kellyanne and Steve Bannon whop Trump upside the head tomorrow morning. That was *not* fucking presidential. He’s got my vote. But, why the man has to dumpster dive into his past and “the amazing businesses I’ve built….” and….

    He needs some more saddle soap and shoe polish. Listen, Donald, listen! …..Lady in Red

  8. Marco,
    Like I said, all new for Trump. The fastest study I’ve ever seen. Wait until next time. Like all winners he’s his worst critic. And he’s kicking himself but good right now. I can’t wait for the next one.

  9. Non-muslim, it did seem like everybody was was aorking off a script which Trump didn’t have. But it does not matter. He can’t win the debates with Hillary. But the good thing is that he must only endure the debates, and he is a master of endurance. Hillary fooled no one tonight.

  10. Illustr8r, the two people I hate HATE the most on FOX are Stirewalt and Perina dog chow. AND they gave them their own show. Are you Freaken kidding me? FOX Biz for me from now on.

  11. I’d say he won but not by that margin. It is impossible to defuse Hillary’s lies. You’d need a ream of rhetoric to prove Hillary a liar. The housing collapse, caused by Bush. Not true. Cops kill blacks more that whites. Not true. Cops need more training. Not true. They are the best trained and “most liberal” policemen and women in the world. Well they used to be, ’till Obama fucked it all up, with his “If I had a son” bullshit.

  12. Please remember it was Lester Dolt, the infamous “journalist” from BSNBC who wrote the questions.
    The “Presidential Debate Commission” is controlled by the Dhimmicretins.
    The very best we could expect was a draw. Julian Assange will release more interesting debate material. Dolt excluded any of Hellary’s vunerabilities from questions.

  13. This was not a complete shellacking of Trump by Clinton. That has to grind her rusty gears.

    She did nothing put prepare this past week, while he flew by the seat of his pants. If, after all that prep, she couldn’t punch gaping holes in the Trump machine, she never will.

  14. Trump never got in the knock-out punch. He hit her hard a few times, but there were so many “straight over the plate, nothing but meat” moments he could have hit out of the park and he didn’t even swing. Hillary was so over-rehearsed and scripted, he could have knocked her off script and sent her reeling, but he never did.

    But, Trump learns and adapts. I think the next debate will be better for him. He knows what to expect now. And I think he’ll be better prepared.

  15. I had high hopes that Trump could rattle Hillary around a bit. The problem is that she is not normal so it is hard to make her look bad. She can lie with ease and doesn’t get uncomfortable with it. To me her expression was that of a mean little girl getting away with something while flashing a sneaky little smile of “who Me”? I’m a good girl.
    She also got nasty at the end accusing Trump of all kinds of hateful behavior. Her willingness to accuse him of racism, sexism etc. was way over the top and Americans are tired of that.
    Never give up.

  16. Brad I’m sick and fucking tired of FOX. I try to listen to Bolling and Hannity, but only for a while. I get my news from IOTW, Truth Revolt, Drudge, Conservative Treehouse,Mark Levin,and Rush. And Michael Goodwin of the New York Post. That’s it, and enough for me.

  17. @Bad_Brad
    Same for me! I couldn’t believe that those two whining pieces of crow crap got their very own sunday show! Who in the world is gonna watch that? A couple of spare old ladies?

  18. The bottom line is do debates help decide the undecideds or sway voters to change their candidate?

    Are there any numbers for undecideds this year? Haven’t seen any. Do they decide standing in line to vote or not vote at all?

    Any one here changing their vote to Hillary?

    Gary Johnson voters are probably too stoned to know if they watched a debate, a Cary Grant movie or The Voice.

    The infamous line: What difference, at this point, does it make?

  19. Tommy, I have almost the same list except for Levin. I’ll substitute him for Hoft. I have Levin and Beck in the same category. Y B Normal. It’s all marketing bull shit that’s going to back fire hard.

  20. Hillary’s talking points on crime and law enforcement amounted to a bunch of tired, dreary words and the usual take away the guns. Just blah, blah, blah out her mouth.

  21. Trump didn’t back down, he answered every one of her accusations, and threw ’em back at her without resorting to crass comments. The MSM (and most libs) think the Candidates are suppose to be milquetoast autonomotons (did I spell that right?) but Trump is setting the tone with realism from our current life in the US.
    Trump should have said he did some prep WHILE he was working, she stayed home in her safe space, like she’ll do when the SHTF if she gets elected.

  22. The only thing i think Trump could improve on is don’t bring up his business history and past so much. Going forward, he has established in tonight’s debate that he has the chops to deliver on making America Great again in the economy, law and order, which many viewers have never heard from him since they only watch MSM. Listening to her pathetic whining about her daddy’s drapery silkscreening and how that makes her the economic guru makes one throw up a little. Trump should have slam dunked her on the “11 hours before Congress committee hearings stamina”….ooo really? What for Hillary? YOUR alleged felonies?

  23. I think Trump edged her out last night, but mostly for not losing his cool. A few less interruptions would have been nice. The thing I was disappointed in was the number of openings she left for herself for him to just maul her.

    When she brought up the tax issue and asked what is he hiding? As soon as she mentioned that his charitable contribution might not be what he says, he should have pounced and said funny how their $1 million charitable contribution was themselves (Clinton Foundation). How in the world can you donate money to yourself and declare it a contribution?

    There were other instances, some of which have already been hit upon.

    The only thing that worries me about all these polls showing Trump winning is that he might let it go to his head and not work to improve his next performance.

  24. One zinger I did get a great laugh out of was on the topic of Cyber security when Hillary patted herself on the back about getting the endorsement of 50 (or whatever the number was) people in the field. Donald retorting about all the Admirals and Generals endorsing him and he would take that any day over the endorsement of 50 political hacks. LMAO.

  25. I think at best the debate was a tie, not the 92% Trump win per Drudge. The Donald needs to stop letting himself be led off track by Hillary statements designed to get him riled up and defensive. If necessary, he should adopt her tactics – ignore the accusation and come back with one of his own.

    And stop rambling and repeating himself, for God’s sake.

  26. I believe that bitch had an era piece in. You could tell by the way she blinked so many times and then would close her as for a moment as if to really listen. Never doubt the cheating progs.

  27. Clinton’s delivery was, in a word, ROBOTIC. It seemed to me she was repeating word for word catchphrases that were being dictated to her via an earpiece.

    “(click)….(whirr)…We must be Stronger….Together. A vote..for me..is a vote…for four more years…of Obama. (kerchunk)…wealthy Americans…and corporations…must pay their….(buzz)….Fair Share…of taxes.”

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