Giuliani – Lester Holt Has NO Idea What He’s Talking About On Stop and Frisk – IOTW Report

Giuliani – Lester Holt Has NO Idea What He’s Talking About On Stop and Frisk

Giuliani is livid about Holt’s Candy Crowley act, trying to correct Donald Trump about stop and frisk. He says Tump was absolutely correct when explaining went on in New York in regards to the controversial program.

If you’re going to butt in, you’d better be right. Holt wasn’t.


14 Comments on Giuliani – Lester Holt Has NO Idea What He’s Talking About On Stop and Frisk

  1. not to take away from the subject of this post, but i am curious if others were astounded by holt’s leading premise last night that the economy was greatly improved under obama, and that a successful recovery was underway during this administration

    ayfkm, 95 million not working, more than ever on food stamps, 20 trillion debt, quantitative easing placebos

    would like to know if this right-out-of-the-gate, unchallenged allegation by holt floored anyone else

    holt seemed to get away with a lot of statements that were made as if they are indeed fact


  2. Holt was bought and paid for/ threatened by the Clinton cartel. Poor little nervous dude knew he was spewing Hillary garbage, and his credibility was circling the sewer drain with hers. He tried, he failed, he cut off his own nuts. Case Closed.

  3. Give him a break. Liberal robots are programmed very well to lie, obfuscate, and connive in any manner that they can, in order to stay out of the firing line of their treacherous masters.

  4. I’d say last night was a draw but then again it was Trump vs two Libtard assholes up there.

    Which debate is going to have a Conservative moderator? Fuck my cholesterol – I’ll melt four sticks of butter and pour it over a 55 gl drum of hot popcorn for that one.

  5. I can tell you for a fact that the economy is still sucking an egg.

    How do I know? By the number of filings in my court.

    The cases we hear in Family Court–custody, visitation, family offense, support, chill abuse/neglect–are extremely sensitive to the economy. The more people are struggling financially, the more likely they are to have problems that will land them in my court.

    In 2014, my court opened 33,330 new cases. In 2015, 33,098. This year we’re on a pace to hit 31,100.

    (Re the above statistics, they are for just ONE COUNTY of New York City, which is comprised of five counties. My county is the second-busiest of the five. Also, these are just newly opened cases. Some new cases had more than one petition filed. Plus, there were thousands of petitions filed in cases opened on previous years. No data available for these.)

    So fuck Lester Holt. He obviously believes all the DOL statistics which are so massaged and manipulated that they bear no relation to reality. And if this doofus tried to walk a mile in my Family Court shoes, he’d collapse like Hillary on a hot day.

  6. BTW my comment above was in response to Mr. Colon. Yes, I too was floored by Holt’s assumptions about our “improved” economy.

    The Reagan economy–now THAT’s what I call an improvement. In the mid-1980s, if you could stand up and write your name, there’d be three companies competing to hire you.

  7. Colon,

    I stated last night the premis of the first question was BS on the thread. I was hoping Trump was going to ram that down their throats.

    I suspect there isn’t one month or quater of BHO term where the dept of commerce hasn’t adjusted there growth reports downward. It usually happens on a Friday weeks after the rosy bogus numbers are anounced with great fanfare by the MSM.

    The same can be said about the bogus unemployment numbers.

    I hope DJT admin launches an investigation.

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