What’s that thing in Hillary’s jacket? – IOTW Report

What’s that thing in Hillary’s jacket?



52 Comments on What’s that thing in Hillary’s jacket?

  1. She had a clip on mic if you look at the photos–that’s probably the transmitter. My bet is she had a dead mic to accommodate her “special” sized podium and they used the clip on to pick up her tripe.

  2. That’s a very good question. It could be a drug reservoir feeding into her bloodstream similar to the ones the diabetics use. It could be part of a receiving device although I would have thought they’d have checked for a earwig before the debate.
    Or it could be an extremely awkward fold/ridge in her clothing although it seems a little regular for that.

  3. @Sam–I didn’t see it on him during the debate but the photos show it was nearly the same color as his suit as the reason I didn’t see it during the debate. Both having dead podium mics wouldn’t be out of the question….they both didn’t stay glued to the podium mics which is probably why they were given the clip ons-

  4. A gallon of codeine being pumped into her to keep her upright
    a refrigeration device also pumping embalming fluid to keep the corpse from stinking even more.

  5. you are all youngsters but does anyone remember the movie
    the tingler ? People were in a theater and some type of worm crawled around the aisles in the dark and overtook their spines and minds? almost like the newer movie- alien… oh well, so much for my memories of happier days.

  6. When the alien arthropod that wears the Hillary skin has been cooped up for a long time, it needs to get a little fresh air, even if it is through clothing. What you see is a slightly cracked open seam for ventilation. It doesn’t need microphones or wires to communicate with the Hive Mother in orbit.

  7. @Ray–Calif.: Saw it at the movies when I was a kid (maybe 14 or 15). There were vibrating buzzers rigged under the seats to give you a tingle when the thing supposedly escaped into the theater. Some girls freaked.
    Lotsa fun.

    We’re not all youngsters here.


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