In Over His Head Trudeau Says Islam Compatible With Democracy – Imam Begs To Differ – IOTW Report

In Over His Head Trudeau Says Islam Compatible With Democracy – Imam Begs To Differ

Mazin AbdulAdhim, a prominent Imam of Iraqi descent in London, Ontario who is affiliated with the radical Islamic global movement of Hizb ut-Tahrir, asserts that “Islam and democracy are contradictory and absolutely incompatible.”

AbdulAdhim’s statement comes in response to a video posted by Mehdi Hasan, a British political journalist, broadcaster and author, in who he argues that Muslims accept democratic values and argues Muslims not to listen to “experts” who claim otherwise.


ht/ blazing cat fur

14 Comments on In Over His Head Trudeau Says Islam Compatible With Democracy – Imam Begs To Differ

  1. Unassimilating Muslims hear me and listen not to others for I am liberal and they are but authorized theologians of your vile faith. What do they know,what can they say to counter my rosy liberal pronouncements,all they can cite is 1400ed yrs of history while we liberals promise a bright future that is just around the corner.

  2. This guy looks and thinks like a 16 year old boy.
    Nice job Canada. Way to pick a total loser.

    Of course our man-child POTUS is an oxygen thief, too.

    The liberal end of the gene pool needs a big dose of chlorine.

  3. He is such an asshole. This was not the son that was being groomed for PM. That one managed to kill himself in an avalanche or some such thing. This one spent all his life in college in order to teach 2nd grade for awhile and then become a bouncer at a bar all the time living off daddy’s estate. The reason people voted for him was the media always showed him in a good light, never showed him actually talking without a teleprompter or answering an unexpected question. The mans an IDIOT. Geezuz, people were asked why they voted for him and they got answers like “he’s Hot”, “he’s way cuter then the other guy” etc etc. These were from college kids for pete’s sake. We’re so fu*cked.

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