There is currently no stringent vetting process when admitting Muslims to enter our country – IOTW Report

There is currently no stringent vetting process when admitting Muslims to enter our country


A state department official could not answer Wednesday whether refugees are screened for radical views during a senate hearing.

Republican Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions asked Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary at the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migrants of the U.S. Department of State, “do you make any inquiry about practices that we reject in the United States like female genital mutilation?”

Sessions added, “Do you say, ‘do you believe in that and when you come to the United States will you comply with the laws of the United States on that kind of question?’”

The state department official replied, “On all questions, we make it clear to refugees that we are a nation of laws and that they need to comply with our laws.”

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12 Comments on There is currently no stringent vetting process when admitting Muslims to enter our country

  1. The state department official replied, “On all questions, we make it clear to refugees that we are a nation of laws and that they need to comply with our laws.”

    “But you don’t ask them whether they would comply with that law?,” Sessions asked Henshaw. He replied, “I can’t answer that question, I don’t know.”

    You can’t have it both ways, you lying moron.

    If you don’t know the answer to the second question, you can’t make a positive statement about “all questions” in replying to the first.

  2. Fuck vetting.

    What does that mean anyway? Ahhh, Mohammad, do you want sharia law? Oh no sir. I believe in the Founders & the Constitution. OK, you’re in.

    Funny thing is where my religion teaches me to be honest with others, Islam says it’s O-key Doh-key to lie. Either nuke ’em from orbit or keep their asses out of this country.

  3. If you haven’t yet taken the opportunity to watch Trump’s Council Bluff speech yesterday, you really should. In it he asks some simple, yet profound, questions that will put all of these stupid excuses from stupid gov’t people into a new light. They are very simply, “Why?” Why can’t the American people have the things they want, like security in areas for which we already pay through the nose to have. Somebody’s taking our money and not giving us what we already pay an enormous amount of money for. If a home security company did this to us, we’d sue them, fire them and replace them.

  4. I watched this entire sh*t show. Professor Plum had one rote answer as to how we vet and select refugees…. are you ready?….. “we select them based on their VULNERABILITIES”. Sessions pressed on:

    Sessions: Aside from the security questions, do we ask if they believe in Female Genital Mutilation? Honor killings? Sharia law? Whether they are literate in their own language much less english?
    Henshaw: “Our decision to bring them in are based on their vulnerabilities”.

    Sessions: Do you consider their level of education or unique job skills?
    Henshaw: “Ah, no, but I have to say that we receive many refugees with a high level of education particularly from the middle east”.

    Gov’t shills lie effortlessly. When they’re caught by their own contradicting statements they become flustered, stammering fools.

    Cruz was present and toward the end questioned Leon Rodriguez/USCIS regarding a leaked memo on DHS letterhead, whereby “a potential witness” stated it was their policy to take some of the Iraq/Syrian refugees without so much a a face-to-face interview! Rodriquez became animated and stated he was aware of the memo but “he wouldn’t put too much credence in that as it was written by someone within DHS who is obviously misinformed”.

    Cruz pressed him several times to get him to commit to this answer on record. Seems like another “potential hearing” in the pipeline. THEY’LL NAIL ‘EM THIS TIME!!!!

    Oh, and in case you didn’t know this, he is the son of an immigrant who swam to this country seeking freedom from a repressive Cuban gov’t that tortured and imprisoned him (sans the $100 bill pinned in his underwear).

    It appears Ted has finally closed the chapter of toying with the election, wiping away Beck’s tears and getting back to doin’ the people’s bidness – 2018 will be here before ya know it – he has a year to serve under President Trump and redeem himself.

  5. Uncle Al’s post gave me idea. This hearings need direct citizen participation with citizen’s being able to ask questions and not be in the least PC or fear pissing off constituency.

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