FCC Commissioner on Internet Oversight Switch: ‘If You Cherish Free Expression,’ ‘You Should Be Worried,’ This Is ‘Irreversible’ – IOTW Report

FCC Commissioner on Internet Oversight Switch: ‘If You Cherish Free Expression,’ ‘You Should Be Worried,’ This Is ‘Irreversible’


15 Comments on FCC Commissioner on Internet Oversight Switch: ‘If You Cherish Free Expression,’ ‘You Should Be Worried,’ This Is ‘Irreversible’

  1. It’s a done deal, like the Iran deal. Look, they overrode Obama’s veto on suing the Saudis (which some judge will find a way to nullify soon) so they could lie back down and let the internet go while we were celebrating the veto override.

    Now prove me wrong, Congress, like you did yesterday.

  2. I have contacted my worthless self-described conservative RepublicRAT Senator three times about this very issue! Have yet to hear back. Probably busy getting a post office named after some big donor!

  3. Since this will happen Saturday, I wonder if Trump can set up a new web under USA control in January, and let the other one rot? Those entities who need international web access will need to figure out another pathway. For domestic users, why not have our own, and make it such that this can never happen again by a sitting traitor in the oval office.

  4. Voir Dire
    “make it such that this can never happen again by a sitting traitor in the oval office.”

    We already have that and it did not matter. Our problem is much bigger than just this issue.

  5. They didn’t have internet when I was a kid so I could care less. Hopefully it’s a disaster
    and young kids wake up.
    I read five sites and this is one of them. My wife gave me a 3G and showed me how to use it.

  6. Burner, that won’t matter. When (not if) control is given away, the bad guys can change anyone’s IP address arbitrarily so the old one no longer works or is redirected to their propaganda. When they want to shut down opposing voices, they threaten to turn off your ISP so IT will remove you in order to keep the rest of their customers online, and of course, you’re now marked for “further consideration”. Censorship is inevitable and will result in @(#*$&% [CONNECTION LOST]

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