Please Call. Please. – IOTW Report

Please Call. Please.

Using the number below I got through to Marco Rubio’s office and got a live voice. The person, who was extremely helpful and pleasant, said that Rubio will be voting to pass the Internet Freedom Act.

Bill Nelson, unfortunately, will most likely be voting along party lines.

I called Nelson’s office and the “mailbox was full.”

Please crash your senator’s mailbox. And if you’re in a dialing mood, call senators outside your state.


ht/ fdr in hell

26 Comments on Please Call. Please.

  1. Done. Here in Washington we have patty murray, and maria cantwell as two of the most useless senators there is. My representative is derek kilmer. I’ve called his office numerous times and you can’t get an answer from anyone on anything. What a bunch of assholes we have running things!

  2. I’m in NY. Got a person at Guillibrand’s office. He asked if this was Ted Cruz’s bill. I said it’s the bill to keep from giving control of our internet away for no good reason. He said he was getting a lot of calls and would add mine to the tally. Time to try Schumer’s office. Both are Dems so I don’t expect much, but hey, maybe they’ll surprise us.

  3. I don’t care about selfies and people walking into walls. They paid for those phones so have at them. This is going to kill the lifelines of the people who don’t have telephones and have to use the internet to communicate with their doctors, for example. People who don’t have brick and mortar businesses because it’s cheaper to run it online.
    People who keep in contact with family members across the planet on video because they can’t afford to go to another country. And that’s just a small part of this.

  4. I called Joe Heck’s office (NV) and his office is unsure about how far the bill is going, blah blah blah.
    So I let them have it, nicely.
    Naturally, I didn’t call Harry Reid’s office because he can’t find his phone due to the one busted eye thing. Plus he’s evil. So…

  5. How did people manage to communicate and survive before the internet?

    Snap out of it. It’s not about the damn internet – it’s about restricting freedom of speech through electronic means. Next, it’ll be deemed an infraction for more than 3 people to talk to each other at once.

    Down with Big Brother.

    The end game is the nudging of the unwashed masses into the control of the One World Government.

    Serfs on one side – oligarchs on the other. Zero middle-class.


    Four Republican state attorneys general are suing to stop the Obama administration from transferring oversight of the internet to an international body, arguing the transition would violate the U.S. Constitution.
    The lawsuit — filed Wednesday in a Texas federal court — threatens to throw up a new roadblock to one of the White House’s top tech priorities, just days before the scheduled Oct. 1 transfer of the internet’s address system is set to take place.
    Story Continued Below
    In their lawsuit, the attorneys general for Arizona, Oklahoma, Nevada and Texas contend that the transition, lacking congressional approval, amounts to an illegal giveaway of U.S. government property. They also express fear that the proposed new steward of the system, a nonprofit known as ICANN, would be so unchecked that it could “effectively enable or prohibit speech on the Internet.”

    Oh good. A whole 4 of them.

  7. That’s surprising news about Lil’ Marco. After his dastardly involvement with the Gang of 8, whenever I called his office to express how I, as his constituent, wanted him to vote on various legislation, I always got the intern who’s standard reply is, “he’s not sure or he’s not committed quite yet”. I didn’t vote for him this past primary.

    I learned years ago to not waste my time with Bill Nelson. The corpse will always vote along party lines no matter the issue. He bombarded my email with his form letters/SPAM. I got so sick of it I went to the raunchiest porn sites I could find and signed him up.

  8. I called, but I live in Washington and would bet the farm that Cantwell and Murray will vote with Obama on this one.

    Does anyone know when this is up for a vote in the Senate? I understand that there is a separate House resolution 5418. Does Ryan have to bring it to the floor for a vote?

  9. Does anyone have accurate info on this? I can’t find any action on this since Cruz introduced s.3034. I know he wanted to include it in the continuing res, but it was stripped out. I called Rubio office but got mailbox.

    I just don’t see any action item on the agenda for the Senate, so unless someone knows for certain, seems this will be the reverse Friday dump, quietly down the rabbit hole.

    MJA – I knew I’d be captured by the porn sites as well, but figured it couldn’t be any sleazier than “I Share Your Concerns” letter from my Senator” smut.

  10. I called Rubio’s office too. What they DIDN’T tell you is that the bill is still in Sen Thune’s Commerce Committee where it has been sitting for weeks. I asked what Rubio was doing to get it OUT of committee. Answer: nothing.

    It’s easy to be in favor of it. It’s a different matter to actually take action.


    And yes, Nelson “hasn’t decided” since the bill’s still in committee – meaning he’ll support Obama.

  11. I actually got through to someone at Feinstein’s office. My message was to leave the internet alone, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. He asked my zip code and said he would pass the message on to the Senator. Seriously, who actually supports this idiocy?

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