Moron Libertarian Presidential Hopeful Can’t Name a “Favorite Foreign Leader” – IOTW Report

Moron Libertarian Presidential Hopeful Can’t Name a “Favorite Foreign Leader”

His idiot running mate says MERKEL!!!!!

This is the NeverTrump alternative.

9 Comments on Moron Libertarian Presidential Hopeful Can’t Name a “Favorite Foreign Leader”

  1. He blew it badly. As a Libertarian, he should have said something along these lines. “First, I don’t believe heads of state should be regarded as leaders. They should be administrators, and be led by their constituents. But mainly, I fail to see any govt anywhere that hasn’t overstepped its proper bounds of protecting the rights of its citizens. Since there’s no govt that I admire, how can I admire any head of govt?”

  2. As long as weedman and Dr. Jill keep pulling votes from Hillary, I’m okay with it. Those Bernie bro votes are millenials that will never vote for DT. I say let them follow their leader off the edge of the cliff after election day.

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