2 dipsh*tzz on the Libertarian ticket – IOTW Report

2 dipsh*tzz on the Libertarian ticket


Gary Johnson‘s VP pick Bill Weld went a little off-message today by saying that he can’t think of anyone more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president.

Weld started off the interview with Chuck Todd by defending his running mate over his “Aleppo moments” by saying he’s not a “pop quiz” guy and called him a “deep thinker.”

Ya, he’s a deep thinker like a moron pothead laying around by a campfire thinking about the universe that lives under his fingernail.

Todd pressed him on whether he would be concerned about being a spoiler. And very interestingly, Weld was very critical of Donald Trump and how threatened he is by the Republican nominee becoming president whilst saying he thinks “very highly” of Clinton.

TODD: You believe he’s more qualified to be president than Hillary Clinton?

WELD: I’m not sure anybody’s more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States. I mean, that’s not the end of the inquiry, though.

This is the #NeverTrump alternative to Trump.

18 Comments on 2 dipsh*tzz on the Libertarian ticket

  1. Weld: Spoiler Chuck? You mean like a spoiler I had on my sweet ’77 Camaro Z28?
    Johnson: Hey Bill stay on message dude, we’re running for the “highest” level job in the world.
    Weld: oh right, sorry. What was the question again Chuck?
    Todd: Do you believe he’s more qualified to be president than Hillary?
    Weld: Who’s he? Is this a trick question?
    Johnson: Tap out Bill, I’ve got this one. So Chuck, did I ever tell you about the time I had a bad peyote trip and dumped my entire sock drawer on my bed and nailed every damn tube sock I owned to my bedroom wall?
    Todd: We have to go to a commercial break, and when we return we’ll be talking to Donald Trump’s 5th grade girlfriend who’ll tell us what is was like teaching The Donald how to French kiss.

  2. Tried to warn my Libertarian friends about these two A$$holes. One admitted recently that I was right and will begrudgingly vote for Trump. The others are probably too embarrassed…..

    Goofus Gary and Willy Weld are a total waste of oxygen, not to mention making Libertarians into a complete joke this cycle.

  3. I wish I still had some of those note pads I made up for some friends that had at the top:
    “From the Desk of Dipshit”
    I’d send a few of them to these two morons.

    In their case, for example:
    “From the Desk of Dipshit”
    Don’t forget to pee in the morning

  4. Blue Boy was a classic episode of Dragnet, probably still one of the best and most remembered episodes of Dragnet. I still remember it from the first time I saw when I was 14 in 1967 and it came on just after LSD first made it’s appearance just after The Summer Of Love in Frisco. We didn’t get most drugs up here in Eastern Wash. until a year or so later but we did get Dragnet to warn us ahead of time of the dangers of drugs.

  5. Words mean things. Johnson and Weld are NOT libertarians. The libertarians creed is simple: No person may initiate or threaten to initiate the use of fraud or coercive physical force against a person or their property. Other laws would be corollaries of this simple creed. If most people knew this and thought about it then most people would consider themselves to be libertarians.

  6. Folks you are seeing the true form of William Weld. We had to deal with this idiot for six years ( or was it seven? ) because Silber had to screw up in his interview on WBZ and use the “B” word. Vote Trump and never forget that people like Weld exist and could get you killed by boozy neglect. (Btw, Silber only got the Democratic nomination because of Billy Bulger’s machinations )

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