Obama Seeks To Add New Racial Category For “Middle Easterners” – IOTW Report

Obama Seeks To Add New Racial Category For “Middle Easterners”

This is a big wet kiss to Muslims.

What would Obama be doing differently if he was a Muslim? That’s how you know he IS a Muslim.

USA Today-

The White House is putting forward a proposal to add a new racial category for people from the Middle East and North Africa under what would be the biggest realignment of federal racial definitions in decades.

If approved, the new designation could appear on census forms in 2020 and could have far-reaching implications for racial identity, anti-discrimination laws and health research.

Under current law, people from the Middle East are considered white, the legacy of century-old court rulings in which Syrian Americans argued that they should not be considered Asian — because that designation would deny them citizenship under the1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. But scholars and community leaders say more and more people with their roots in the Middle East find themselves caught between white, black and Asian classifications that don’t fully reflect their identities.

“What it does is it helps these communities feel less invisible,” said Helen Samhan of the Arab American Institute, which has been advocating the change for more than 30 years. “It’s a good step, a positive step.”

“In the grand scheme of things, it’s really a progressive stride forward,” he said. “But in the broader landscape, it’s taking place in the context of greater animus against Arab Americans, and really, Islamophobia.”

Comments on the proposal are due in 30 days, making it possible for the Obama administration to enact the change in the last three months of a presidency that has spent considerable effort to be more inclusive of Arab-Americans and other Middle Easterners.

“I think with him being the first African-American president and being an obvious example of making the American fabric more diverse, that this could be  great sign of inclusion about what it means to be an American,” Awad said.


23 Comments on Obama Seeks To Add New Racial Category For “Middle Easterners”

  1. Obama’s devious plan seems to be to officially make “muslim” a race. That way, all the stupid statements by leftists calling anyone that isn’t sufficiently laudatory of all things islam a racist will be transformed into being accurate with the stroke of a pen. And it will “back-door” muslims into being a legally protected “minority” under federal law as supposedly being a specific minority race.

  2. “Syrian Americans argued that they should not be considered Asian — because that designation would deny them citizenship under the1882 Chinese Exclusion Act.”

    How about if we called them what they really are….Arabian terrorists??

  3. This whole thing is sickening, including African American. Not all blacks are the descendent of Africans but you’re American. If you want to be African, then go there.

    Now there’s supposed to be Muslim American, Syrian American, how about American? Is there American Japanese, American Mexican, American Syrian, I don’t think so. If you don’t want to be American then don’t come here.

    Proud American daughter of proud legal immigrants.

  4. If you think we haven’t suffered enough abuse as a result of the enactment of the Civil Rights Act(s), imagine one more minority group on steroids. Muslims are an enumerably entrenched grievance group and they are experts at using our Constitution against us. A few “highlights” creating a new minority class purported to enrich our country are:

    • Enforcing the Voting Rights Act and drawing congressional and state legislative district boundaries;

    • Establishing federal affirmative action plans and evaluating claims of employment discrimination in employment in the private sector;

    • Monitoring discrimination in housing, mortgage lending and credit;

    • Enforcing school desegregation policies; and

    • Helping minority-owned small businesses get federal grants and loans

    Sound familiar?
    I don’t know what, if anything can be done to stop this, and the article is intentionally silent on that, but it does offer a “Seeking Comments” link. I clicked on it was rendered cross-eyed.

    I’ve reached the saturation point of Obamanations for today, but I’m taking this on seriously and will do whatever in my power to fight against I can to this. My hope is that others join and collectively (maybe Bfh will dedicate a post specific?) so we can share information to halt the final nail.

    This is ain’t creeping sharia, it’s a full blown leaping death knell.

  5. After observing the secretive, unfolding Terms & Conditions of the Iran deal (the Obama Admin. has basically paid and enabled Iran to dominate the Middle East), I am convinced Obama is a Shiite Muslim. He is now working to aid and abet them with policies and other support.

    Unfortunately there is more to come before he leaves office. I wouldn’t be surprised if we surrender to them prior sometime in December.

  6. Honestly, what would the caliphate do without that traitorous son of a bitch? They were barely moving before their guy was placed in the white house.

    @Bubba’s Brother, you hit the nail right on the head.

    It sounds like Barry Hussein is trying to make islam a race so that prosecuting “offenders” will be easier. Another giant step forward for the caliphate. Everything he does . . . .

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