Science Discriminates Because It’s Based on Facts – IOTW Report

Science Discriminates Because It’s Based on Facts


A Ph.D. student in Education at the University of North Dakota has penned a dissertation based on an examination of eight syllabi from science classes and concluded that the courses discriminate against women and minorities.  That’s because they don’t allow for “the possibility that “scientific knowledge is subjective.”

Women Are Too Stupid to Use Logic

Throughout her dissertation, Parson assumes and asserts that women and minorities are uniquely challenged by the idea that science can provide objective information about the natural world. This is an unfair assumption, she says, because the concept of objectivity is too hard for women and minorities to understand. “[N]otions of absolute truth and a single reality” are “masculine,” she says, referring to poststructuralist feminist theory.

Instead of promoting the idea that knowledge is constructed by the student and dynamic, subject to change as it would in a more feminist view of knowledge, the syllabi reinforce the larger male-dominant view of knowledge as one that students acquire and use make the correct decision.

So, in other words, using logic and the scientific method are inherently “male” ways of knowing that women and minorities cannot employ.


The faculty committee overseeing this dissertation should be tossed out of academia on their asses.

18 Comments on Science Discriminates Because It’s Based on Facts

  1. I wonder if she would prefer to be the first passenger on an aircraft that was designed and built by feminist “engineers” using their feelings, or the first passenger on an aircraft designed and built by straight white male engineers who used math and logic?

  2. …courses discriminate against women and minorities. That’s because they don’t allow for “the possibility that “scientific knowledge is subjective.”

    It’s all OK because the profs take individual student attributes and performance into account. When a female or minority student finds the objective subject matter too difficult, the prof simply gives the student a failing grade. See? Problem solved, with sensitivity and social awareness up the wazoo.

  3. Oh, my. Did I really write “failing grade”? How insensitive of me. They don’t do that any more, do they – “fail” people. What the science profs actually do is hack the student and class records to make it appear that the “failing” student never attended the class, and didn’t even enroll in it.

  4. This is beyond embarrassing. That this is even acceptable as a dissertation subject is a terrible reflection on her school, her professors, her advisers, and her parents for raising a woman so open-minded that her brain did actually fall out.

    On the other hand, if this is now the level of education American colleges offer, maybe there will be fewer illegals wanting to attend and fewer of those pesky over-stayed student visas. One can hope.

  5. I am a logical being (quite possibly part Vulcan, but that is another story — say, I wonder what kind of Preferred Minority Group status that would get me); I majored in Computer Science, enjoy database administration, and consider the laws of the natural world the lens through which we can pinpoint the motivation behind most behavior, at least on a primal level. This, incidentally, is why I am not a leftist, because facts and objectivity do not matter to those people. At this point they’re well beyond insanity to the point where reality itself is the enemy. This article is yet another affirmation.
    As a woman, I’d be offended by it if it wasn’t just another ridiculous waste product of the left’s education establishment.

  6. The dissertation itself is sexist and racially prejudiced because it presumes that women and minorities (read non-white people) somehow don’t grasp the scientific method even though plenty of women and non-whites use and contribute to the body of science all the time.

    Someone please boot stomp this stupid marxist cow before she pollutes the planet further with her ridiculous racist, sexist idiot-think any further.

  7. God doesn’t grant a lot of wisdom to those who turn against Him and treat His people as an enemy.

    “For Yahweh gives wisdom. Out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6

  8. Sounds like she’s actually taking her doctorate in Reeducation. To be honest though, part of a university education at any level is taking an unpopular (or in this case mildly retarded) position and being able to defend it. It doesn’t sound like she’s had to defend it yet and that’s when we’ll see what she’s made of although I’m pretty sure we all have a similar opinion.

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